Community Status Updates

rawr_rawr → hiD
Heyyy, Just wanted to stop by and thank you for putting up an amazing thread! lol Taeyeon 101 ^^
I really enjoied reading it and Just wanted to give my thanks ^^.
...and hey stranger to yourself too ;) keke
I really enjoied reading it and Just wanted to give my thanks ^^.
...and hey stranger to yourself too ;) keke

Loyal2SoShi(Charles) → hiD
'scuse me ma'am. I posted the same message twice in your Birthday Thread for Taeyeon. Please delete the second one. Sorry for disturbing you with this event. Thanks.

hiD → eternity_moonlight
hahah UCI is cool, everything is brand new. and good asian food haha

eternity_moonlight → hiD
hopefully i get into something, lol. I was actually at your school the other day for a club though ^^

EraOfGirls01 → hiD
^^ Have you read my PM yet? 555
By the way...thanks for TAEYEON's facts that you complied...
can't wait for your permission (:
By the way...thanks for TAEYEON's facts that you complied...
can't wait for your permission (:

hiD → eternity_moonlight
UCs are good. you will prob get in one of those haha. who knows you might even go to my school ;D

eternity_moonlight → hiD
haha, yeah, senior year. I don't know what college yet I'm deciding on though. Still waiting for my UC letters >.<

SamyangRamyeonxD → hiD
Hi, Just wondering, how did the 'Member's Title' of each account change??? :S you're the first person I came across to so don't wonder why I ask >. <

hiD → eternity_moonlight
haha wow, you are almost graduating?! time going by so fast. and yayy for being a senior. prob no which college you're going next year? lol

eternity_moonlight → hiD
Long time no talk Heidi~ Thanks for reading my stories still :) Everything's okay with me, just getting by senior year and all. I hope you're doing well too.

hiD → eternity_moonlight
just had a chance to read your update. and it was simply amazing. loving every bit of it. hope all is well for you, dear.

Taengdy → hiD
hello... can you help me to change my display name from cendy to Taengdy ?? please..