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fany girl → xXSoNyeoXx
my sonyeo dongsaeng!! ^^~~~ *runs and give big hug* ♥♥♥♥ of course your unnie wouldn't forget about you. I've missed you so much =^__^= *hugs hugs hugs* ♥ Well don't get too stressed over your schedule, watch yourself :) I hope you'll be able to get on sff more *chuckles* ♥ ^^

fany girl → dorkymushroom07
Unnieeee~~~~ :") your dongsaeng is back ♥♥♥~~ it's kind of been a while since I've been on. I missed my unnie so so so much ♥♥♥ ^____^ *big bear hug* *squeeze squeeze squeeze* kekeke. your dongsaeng just started her summer break :) so I get more chances to be on ssf more :D ♥♥♥ yay!! keke

xXSoNyeoXx → fany girl
*Knocks Knock* OPEEEEN SEASMEEEEEEE =^-^= ♥♥ Fany Fany Fany Unnie :") *Chuckles* First of all , I'm so sorry for being off for a super long time and I swear , when I say super long , it's months :"( *BBIIGG BEEARR HUUGSSS* I Really missed you a lot , and also SSF ♥ *Blushes* Thank you for not forgetting me still , even though I'm gone for such a long time T^T Good to hear that you're doing fine , I'm okay as well , just a real hectic schedule ^^"" Please d...

fany girl → dorkymushroom07
Unnie~~~!! *big big bear hug* ♥♥♥ I miss you so so much T^T~~ I wish we could be online at the same time so we could talk more ;___; i really miss you .. I hope you are doing okay ♥♥♥

fany girl → SuperShining
Hello there ^^ Thank you! I just love to meet new people. Yes, lets becomes friends hehe :) My bias is Tiffany as you can tell by my profile picture hehe.

fany girl → dorkymushroom07
*hugs unnie tightly*♥♥~~ oh okay... I hope you will be back soon T__T take care unnie! I miss you already... ;__; let's talk soon ^o^ ♥♥♥

fany girl
I missed everyone so so so much!~ I hope to get on more, like today :) and Happy mother's day

fany girl → xXSoNyeoXx
knock knock... Is my dongsaeng there?? *peeks through door* omo I've missed you so much T__T ♥♥♥ I hope you get on soon. Your unnie is doing fine. How are you doing? loveyou! ♥ keke *blushes*

fany girl → ILuvUJessicaJung
omo! It's been so long since we've talked. How have you been? :) I've been really busy with school, that's why I can't get on as much as I used to.