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fany girl → xXSoNyeoXx
yaaah ;___; I'm sorry my dongsaeng for my late reply I'm so busy with school. *bows and bows* ah, you have exams again? Are you studying really hard? :) It's important to study my dongsaeng ^__^ *giggles* ♥ I had a test today too actually... I didn't do well * embarrass laughing*

fany girl → dorkymushroom07
ah, I'm so sorry unnie for my late reply. School just gets so crazy *bows* School is going good. I have so much homework though to do. I forgot what school is like xD hehe ^___^ They played Gangnam Style in my school today lol :) How are you unnie? :) How's shool for you? *hugs unnie tighlty* I miss you unnie

xXSoNyeoXx → fany girl
*Back Hugs* Peek-a-boo Unnie !^_^ Annyeonghasaeyo ! XD ♥ *Winks* It's okay Unnie ;') I'm busy preparing my exams as well T_T Yaayyy ! You're back !XD *Giggles a lot* Energy Ball here ! *Dorky Smile* ^o^ Sleep = Super Important !

*Nods Head* Neh Unnie !^_^ We can spazz so much that a day is not enough at all ! ;D *Bear Hugs*
Sep 16 2012 05:12 AM

dorkymushroom07 → fany girl
Omooo! he's a Boy?? ^o^ teehee looks like he's lucky to be with My Dongsaeng huh~~ *giggles* waaii~~ i misssed you too My Fany Dongsaeng :") how are you on school?? i'm really sorry for my late reply..*bows* Unnie is soo busy on school ;__; mianhae

fany girl → ILuvUJessicaJung
me too xD especially if it's like 5 papers for one class. lol :) too too much

fany girl → xXSoNyeoXx
My sweet dongsaeng ^o^ *squeals* I've missed you my dongsaeng ♥ I'm sorry I haven't replied been so busy with schoolwork. But I'm back :D *jumps up* hehe ^__^ yes you are a ball of energy and that makes me full of energy again :) Well it's the weekend now so I can catch up on my sleep :) Same here I've never had any sone friends but my and you can spazz together dongsaeng *laughs like a dork* *hugs dongsaeng* :)

fany girl → dorkymushroom07
*pops up* :D Unnie!~ *hugs unnie tightly* ^___^ I've missed you so much unnie ♥♥ I'm so sorry for my late reply *bows and bows* a boy sones x) His bias is also Tiffany haha :) But how are you unnie? It's been a while since we've talked *giggles* ^__^ ♥♥♥

fany girl → ILuvUJessicaJung
Schools been good for me. I've had homework everyday so far -____- so I don't really get chances to get on the computer/ssf :/ but how have you been? :)

xXSoNyeoXx → fany girl
*Peek-a-boo* Energy ball is at your service ! *Laughs a lot* Kyyahh ;D Just a little energizer for Unnie right now ♥ ^_^ TeeHee; D Yay ! Unnie , you must get 8 hours of sleep to be as energize as me right ? *Jumps around* Kyyah ! I think I will never run out of energy for the time being ^_^ But 5.45 is not as early as Unnie >_< *Hugs* Glad that you met a SONE Unnie ^_^ *Claps Hand*

But for me , none of my friends like SNSD , it makes me kinda sad that I can't spazz with anyone , but ssf cheered me up ^_^
Sep 09 2012 10:10 AM

dorkymushroom07 → fany girl
Omoooo! Annyeong *hugs you tight* I misssssed you soo bad! heehee I'm fine, because i know that you're okay now~~ *giggles* ^o^ Thank god, you met another Sone My Dongsaeng.. *eyesmile* that's better now~ wait is she's a girl or a boy?? :)

ILuvUJessicaJung → fany girl
Hehe yup it's been forever since ive been of ssf so much work to do...hows duh school going for you?

fany girl → xXSoNyeoXx
*pinches dongsaengs cheeks* oh my cute dongsaeng ^_^ you are just a ball of energy! keke :) Yes, I try to go to bed early so I can be just as energized as you XD ♥♥ *jumps around like a dork* wow, 5:45 is still early lol. *giggles* *hugs dongsaeng tightly* My school is pretty big too, but in that big school, I've met one sone :D