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fany girl → dorkymushroom07
Unnieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!~~ T__T I've missed you so so so so so much!!!! Of course I remember you unnie ^_^ How could i forget? I'm sorry I haven't been online T_T school has been keeping me busy. *sobs* But how is my unnie doing?? :)♥♥♥ *hugs hugs hugs*

ILuvUJessicaJung → fany girl
Eeeeekkk its been so long how are you doing i've been busy and haven't been on lately also how duh school going? :)

HAPPYSONE :) → fany girl
Its okay that goes to the two of us :) Me too!! D:: Aww poor you, I have a job interview coming up and ahhh i dont know what to feel! Thats great! Glad you have those friends, haha cool!! I talk about SNSD 24/7 jokes (A)

dorkymushroom07 → fany girl
Aigooo, My dearest Fany ah~~ ^o^ ♥ I'm soooo late *bows a lot* mianhae T___T chincha mianhae... i'm off for soooooooooo long, tbh it almost counts as a month *sobs* I misssed you soooo much.. :") As long as you're fine Unnie will do the same., Aigoo, don't tire yourself too much uhmm? Take a rest if you have a free time ^o^ i'll wait for you i missed you My Fany dongsaeng.

xXSoNyeoXx → fany girl
*Peeks into Unnie's room* Unnie are you in ? O.o *Giggles* Guess you're not on yet XD TeeHee =D Take care of yourself arasseo Unnie ? ^____^ I missssseeeddd yaaaaaa ! *Beear Huugs* TeeHee ^o^ See you soooonn ! ♥♥

xXSoNyeoXx → fany girl
Faaannnyy Unnniiieee ! *Ruuns & Beear Huugs* Aigoo T_T It's been sooo long !>_< [Kyyahh , I miss you so much that even a day feels like a whole week ! ] I've completed my finals and I feel like I can fly higher than the birds ! XD *Giggles a lot* Thank You Unnie for your support XD ♥♥ Keke ^o^ And Unnie , it's okay for late reply because I give late replies too * Embarrass Giggles* I guess we're equals right ? ;DD *Throws Confetti* Congratulations Unnie :> Glad that Unnie can rest !^~^

fany girl
so much work but I still have time for my unnies and oppa and dongsaengs here ^_^ ♥

fany girl → xXSoNyeoXx
*pops up* :D my dongsaeng ^_^ hi hi! *hugs dongsaeng tightly* sorry my late reply!!! >_< oh exams you say? :O well good luck my dongsaeng! Get a big A. haha fighting! do well :) *fighting sign* I also took an exam as well today. I was super nervous but turned out well ^_^ Now it's finally the weekend! xD yay!! I get to rest for a bit ^-^ ♥♥ Are doing good too my dongsaeng? :) *tilts head* ♥

fany girl → HAPPYSONE :)
sorry it took me so long to reply D: been busy with school work. So many projects due and it's only like the 6th week of school xD but yes! :D I do have sone friends and kpop lover friends ^_^ 2 sone friends actually. haha :) It's really cool because I talk to them about snsd sometimes keke x)

HAPPYSONE :) → fany girl
Hahaha YEAHH1! Thats make cake on my display picture! :) Ahahah i feel lucky ^^ Well maybe someday i know it! Omg really? Be safe my friend D: Haha i wonder that too, tell me if your new friends are into SNSD! ^^ Yes that would be cool =D

xXSoNyeoXx → fany girl
*Huugs you tight* Gwenchana Unnie ^_^ I understand , but still , don't stress yourself too much arasseo ?;) It's not good >_< Neh Unnie , exams tomorrow ! OOMMOOO T______T Hope I can do well enough to get an A ! XP Neh Unnie , I will study reallllll hard ! ♥ *Huugs* TeeHee^~^ Unnie , never give up , we can do better next time right ?^_^ *Chuckles* Unnie ! Hwaiting !*Makes a Hwaiting Sign* ♥