Community Status Updates

Yamaku → dayumMinh
Thanks for the greeting on my birthday.
Sorry I did not answer.
coz' I did not check messages.
Thanks again.
nice to meet you!! ^^
Sorry I did not answer.
coz' I did not check messages.
Thanks again.
nice to meet you!! ^^

christie → dayumMinh
Belated happy birthday hope you have the best birthday ever..

IsaacSYC → dayumMinh
Happy birthday! Hope you have/had an awesome birthday! Cheers~

Denomitrix → dayumMinh
hi... I jus dropped by to say... Happy bday! N may u have many gr8 moments on soshi!!!

hearts.snsd → dayumMinh
Happy Birthday! May it be filled with happiness and joy :)

snsdazzled → dayumMinh
happy birthday! may all your dreams and wishes come true. :)

luvseojess → dayumMinh
Hey,,Thank you so much for your comment on my Bday,,It's touching T^T,,Let's keep in touch xP