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2ndfunction → dayumMinh
Hey ! Sorry for the late reply =( Thanks for the wishes !

XplicitONE → dayumMinh
Sorry about this late respond but thanks for the birthday wish! ;D

dayumMinh → lf2iii
have a happy happy birthday! one year older, one year later, one year... mature-er? ahaha, hope you have a great one[;

dayumMinh → nhinaa
have a happy happy birthday! one year older, one year later, one year... mature-er? ahaha, hope you have a great one[;

dayumMinh → yoona_fanatic13
have a happy happy birthday! one year older, one year later, one year... mature-er? ahaha, hope you have a great one[;

dayumMinh → johyun88
have a happy happy birthday! one year older, one year later, one year... mature-er? ahaha, hope you have a great one[;

dayumMinh → rakay
have a happy happy birthday! one year older, one year later, one year... mature-er? ahaha, hope you have a great one[;

dayumMinh → kurama013
have a happy happy birthday! one year older, one year later, one year... mature-er? ahaha, hope you have a great one[;

dayumMinh → Nott
have a happy happy birthday! one year older, one year later, one year... mature-er? ahaha, hope you have a great one[;