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hAs0mY → dayumMinh
hey, thanks for the Bday wish in August. sorry, I didn't even know that i got comment on my profile :P just read it today. Minh, that's a vietnamese name, right? :)

AznRunner → dayumMinh
... did u call me a kid on my birthday??? i'm OLD, i'm no longer a teenager, but thx anyway, have a good one!!

calypsoft → dayumMinh
thanx for the bday wish in july. sorry my reply is too late..;p

minanomix → dayumMinh
Thanks for the birthday wish from August XD
I didn't notice the comment until now ^^;
I didn't notice the comment until now ^^;

mira → dayumMinh
thanks for the birthday wish. i just read my comments just now. i have no time to view my profile.. i'm quite busy with college :).. thanks :D

♥annabom → dayumMinh
hello, thanks for the wish, i know it's been like a month since my bday. thanks, really appreaciate it ! :D

FanIcaYeon → dayumMinh
really sorry because of my late reply but
thanks very much comrade
thanks very much comrade

orinneko → dayumMinh
Thanks for the birthday wishes :D I'm so happy. I'm sorry I'm late to reply it because I have no time to online latest months. Hope you don't mind :)

yunahawj → dayumMinh
lol i loved your comment! thanks for wishing me a happy bday! and no, i didnt have the chance to see fany online T-T