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yeah.and of course still don't forget to study everyday.:) oh..but it's better for you and your friends are all on top so you're all be like genius friends or nerds..ya' know..kekeke.I've been eating chocolates all the time.lol.listening to music and studying:) how bout you??
Nov 21 2011 06:35 PM


kekke.I think so too.and she said she likes yuri too.what's your poster oppa?I got sooyoung and I almost died on her shot she's beautiful and hot on her solo poster.lol.yeah.Taeyeon is so appealing.:))
Nov 21 2011 06:31 PM

taeny loverdorkysonekath

aigoo I think we can't go that far ssaeng, well it's not really he's entire fault right kekee emm well I' am not that really curious ssaeng coz I haven't see n get they 3rd in my hand T_T maybe we shoyuld wait until next year until they release 4th album lol
Nov 16 2011 07:00 AM


ah... well... I'll take your words then. I hope my score increase. kekeke... naah~ I'll pass the top student title to my friends... being the expected one is already a burden. kekeke... so! how have you been lately dongsaeng? :)
Nov 15 2011 05:54 AM


yes i want it too... you're so lucky that sone must be hardcore fan of sica , so he/she want trade 1 for 2 lol.. me too T_T
Nov 15 2011 03:39 AM

dorkysonekathtaeny lover

yeah.that delivery man should be fired on his job.lol.kekek..but i'm really curious about their 4th album.kekeke..that's why I want to see it..keke
Nov 15 2011 01:56 AM


but i want the special card!!!w/ all their signatures and pictures.lol.yup.I trade jessica for 2 Taeyeon.why is there something wrong?kekeke.I want Taeyeon soooo bad.kekeke.
Nov 15 2011 01:53 AM


yup.for me being confident will make your grades high because I did that when I took the college entrance exam.lol.but you still can be a top student if you study hard^_^ and even if you're not a top student I think you're a smart unnie:)))
Nov 15 2011 01:51 AM

taeny loverdorkysonekath

yeah, it is ! ! n I really hate to wait -____-" aigoo ssaeng they haven't finish to promote they 3rd album n u ask for the 4th albumto come oput soon aigoo HAHAHAHA xD
Nov 12 2011 06:25 PM


lucky ?? the one who lucky is you cause you got the necklace haha... you trade 1 jessica with 2 taeyeon ?? omo
Nov 11 2011 09:06 PM


hahaha... oh really? being confident with your score makes it go higher? kekeke... I'm not a top student... but I'm the expected one... so it's still a burden though. >.<
Nov 11 2011 09:04 PM


yup.I had a necklace from Japanese. album..I dunno..but it has..oh you lucky oppa! I only got jessica..but I trade it w/ other sone who bought the boys too and I trade jessica for 2 taeyeon photocard and starcard.lol.
Nov 11 2011 08:22 PM

dorkysonekathtaeny lover

eh??ooh.that sucks.haha.you'll wait longer and it's kinda irritating...kekek.okay!oh right.haha.I wonder when they will comeback again for 4th album.lol.
Nov 11 2011 08:19 PM

taeny loverdorkysonekath

on tehy tweet they said they will postpone our deliver because they wanna wait for the group poster ssaeng >.< HAHAHA don't worry I'll tell him if I meet him! well just like Sica said we always fresh because we being silly ROFL xD
Nov 11 2011 04:55 AM


ah same with me ?? necklace ?? from the first jp album ?? i dont get it... can show me the photo ?? i get group photocard , you ??
Nov 09 2011 05:33 AM