TIffany’s MC Debut on ‘Champagne’ a Success?.. Favorable Reviews from Viewers

Tiffany from the group SNSD has achieved success as an MC on the KBS 2TV show “Shin Dongyup and Shin Bongsun’s Champagne”.

“Shin Dongyup and Shin Bongsun’s Champagne” was broadcast on the third, and she was well-received as she showed her unique goofy charm. Tiffany is the current MC for KMTV’s “Sonyun Sonyuh Gayo Baekso” and she showed her versatility on the show.

After the broadcast, the responses on the ‘Champagne’ message board said things like “Tiffany’s goofy questions and her quick responsive behavior was very cute to see.”

In particular, one netizen said “It made me happy as a person who likes to see Tiffany’s unique bright side” and gave her a good review on the show.

Tiffany grew up in America and her mispronunciation gathered a bit of attention as well.

According to the TNS Media Company, “Champagne” garnered at 9.2% viewer rating for that night. It was a 3.3% drop from last week’s broadcast on the 26th that garnered a 12.5% rating.

Credits to StarNews and boxclub @ soshified