The Korean and Japanese versions of the “Catch Me If You Can” music video have been released. Check out the Korean version below. “Catch Me If You Can” and its coupling track, “Girls”, can be purchased on iTunes and MelOn.
Original article from April 8th, 2015:
Girls’ Generation has just released a teaser for the “Catch Me If You Can” music video from the group’s upcoming Japanese single. The full music video is to be released on April 10th, while the Korean version of the “Catch Me If You Can” song and the single’s coupling track, “Girls”, will also be made available for download on various Korean music portals on the same day. The “Catch Me If You Can” single will have a physical release in Japan on April 22nd. Pre-order information for “Catch Me If You Can” can be found here.
Check out the teaser for the “Catch Me If You Can” music video below.
Sources: [email protected] 1, Osen, [email protected] 2, MelOn
Written by: bhost909@soshified, moonrise31@soshified
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I have to say, as much as I hate that this is GG’s first release with only 8 they chose a bad ass song, extremely nice choreography and I simply LOVE it that it’s not only the main singers who get to sing, in fact, they basically only sing the chorus and it has been a dream of mine to get more songs like this to hear their voices more often. Which is sort of bad for Sunny, beacuse before the main singers used to be only Taeyeon, Jessica, Tiffany and sort of Seohyun, but now it’s TaeTiSeo and sort of Sunny, so she didn’t get to sing much before and she also doesn’t get to sing much in CMIYC. But hey, that’s an amazing video… back to watch it again, and again and again…
First impressions, off the cuff. Best overall performance- Yoona! Her dance moves are sharper, tighter and stronger than any of the others, even Hyoyeon. Prettiest faces up close- Sooyoung, Taeyeon and of course Yoona! Best egyptian moves- Taeyeon, her shoulder rolls are sexy. Could lose a few pounds/kg, in order Yuri, Hyoyeon, Seohyun (so close to hot hot hot), Tiffany, Sunny. Badly missing- Jessica! Most improved- Seohyun, she’s looking prettier and prettier as she gets older and she shows some smooth sexy dancing. Hottest Hottie- Yoona Yoona Yoona. SNSD9Forever!
As expected with the queens!..daebak!^-^V♥
and I was totally slayed by Yul..her intro..all her parts is so hot!♥_♥
As usual, it took me a few watches to totally start loving this song. The choreography is amazing and my bias, Yoona, gets plenty of time up front and really rocks those dance moves.
For those who want to hear it in Japanese:
I think the video itself is identical. It may not be available to stream in 1080p for a while, but you can download it for full quality before then.
i LOVE THIS MUSIC VIDEO! good beats, fantastic techno feel. the dance, the choreography, everything is perfect! and their synchronization, is indeed SNSD level. its really awesome!!!! <3
Thank you thank you thank you Soshi!!! Finally a song that the “subvocal” line dominates. I love this song because of that. I’ve definitely noticed with SM teasers, they’re usually misleading, but this was on point. The music was great, the choreography was amazing. The girls pulled off this concept phenomenally. I can’t wait for the Japanese version and to see the live stages. Love you Soshi!!! Ganbatte!
SNSD-SHY anyone? lol here’s hoping!
I Love the new MV ! GG Daebak!
Tiffany biting lips just killing me!
Btw, one thing that kinda surprises me but also makes me excited is that the dance members (Yuri, Sooyoung, Hyoyeon, Yoona) have so many lines in this song, way more than usual. Even the song is opened with each of their individual lines. A refreshing change!
Hope they’re doing well with this song!
Wow, impressive performance and a fantastic comeback, exciting!!!
Now I’m excited to see their comeback even more, the official comeback for next month! They’ve had a rocky road this past year, but they’ll comeback even stronger for sure!!! :D <3
Gosh they all look sooooo goood. When Tiffany bit her lip I felt like dying :P
we will be so lucky if soshi will perform CMIYC on sunday at BoB bestest concept!!!!
They looked so bad-ass! The can pull of any concepts, and always looked great.
Btw, the song kinda like a song you that you can use for clubbing LOL
Wowww Wowww. But I just got the Feeling that the real song wont came out to be that Techno-ish.
It is a bit hard to think what we hear in the teaser together with the 18 seconds music clip that showed up a week ago.
please please please tell me that this song is also going to be released in korean!
I want to see our girls back on korean TV shows haha
Yeah I think so, it is going to be released in both Japanese and Korean! :D
The song will be also released in Korean version, but this song is mainly for Japanese promotion. Sorry to disappoint you, but the girls won’t be promoting the song in Korea. SM is just releasing it in Korean version digitally, nothing more.
Like the others said, it’s going to be released in Korean. Just not promoted in Korea lol
well hello my lovely, beautiful, bad@$$ GODDESSES. WELCOME BACK BABIES!!!
oh how i’ve missed y’all so so bloody much. thank the lawrd y’all are presenting your Sones with some new stuff and cool rocking image from the teaser. like every Sone, i also can’t wait to hear and see full song/mv.
i want to see the choreo. hope the choreographer give y’all a challenging routine this time. y’all are SNSD!
:’D they are coming back. dear gawd please let them come back strong as ever. hwaiting Soshi!
thanks very much SSF ♥♥♥