Eider Reveals Behind-the-Scenes Footage of Yoona from a Photoshoot
Eider revealed behind-the-scenes footage of Yoona and Lee Minho’s photoshoot for the brand’s upcoming spring/summer collection. Both Yoona and Lee Minho are smiling brightly as they show off a variety of sporty outdoor gear.
THEFACESHOP Posts New Advertisement Featuring Seohyun
THEFACESHOP recently shared a new photo of Seohyun, advertising a video event that the brand is hosting for its “Aura CC Cream” line of products. The brand will randomly select 30 individuals who have shared its “Aura CC Cream” video advertisement and send those winners the product as a reward.
Yakult’s Official Facebook Page Reveals New Photo of Girls’ Generation
Yakult’s official Facebook page revealed a new cover photo featuring Girls’ Generation for its “Diet LOOK” campaign. On the cover photo, the girls show off their their slim and amazing figures, catching any viewer’s attention.
DOUBLE-M Uploads New Photo of Sooyoung
DOUBLE-M recently uploaded a new photo of Sooyoung onto its official Facebook page. She looks stunning in both a chic “black” look and an innocent and pure “white” look.
Mamonde Releases New CF Featuring Yuri
Mamonde recently revealed a new advertisement for its BB Cream. In the commercial, Yuri shows off her bright complexion and Mamonde’s product in the midst of a cascade of pink flower petals.
Girls’ Generation to Attend “Hong Kong Asian-Pop Music Festival 2013”
Girls’ Generation will attend the “Hong Kong Asian-Pop Music Festival 2013” on March 22nd as Korea’s representative music group. For more information, visit the event’s official website.
Jessica Takes a Photo of Herself with Actress Park Minyoung
Park Minyoung, an actress and a good friend of Jessica, tweeted a celebratory photo after Jessica’s last “Legally Blonde” performance. Her accompanying message read, “Sic Woods’ last performance celebratory picture. Good job, my dongsaeng ♥”.
Jessica Poses for Photos with Her Co-stars from “Legally Blonde”
During her last day performing as Elle Woods in “Legally Blonde”, Jessica took several photos of herself with her fellow cast members. All of them expressed their sadness at Jessica leaving the musical. Choi Hyunji, tweeted a selca of herself with Jessica. Another co-star, Lee Eunjin, wrote, “Bye Sica.. Good work! In the opening at the department store today and holding hands with the May Queen sisters ㅋㅋㅋ It was a teary moment. It is sad to say good-bye to someone who you spent even a little time with.. I’ll always have your back :D”. Lee Dasom’s tweet read, “Yesterday was ‘Legally Blonde’ Jessica Elle’s last perfomance.. The start of the last ten days after letting two Elles go already! Sica, just like Eunji.. shining in the midst of our no makeup faces.. this is not fair.. Happy last performanceㅎㅎㅎ”.
Yuri Featured in “High Cut” Magazine
Yuri was featured in the latest edition of “High Cut” magazine for a chic and sexy photoshoot. More photos of Yuri from “High Cut” magazine can be found in Soshified’s Gallery.
The Bride Reveals Tiffany’s Sponsor Photo
A sponsor photo of Tiffany wearing a dress from The Bride was recently revealed. She wore this dress as an MC during SBS’s “K-Pop Super Concert in America” last year.
Sean Garrett and Ricky Luna Tweet Photos of Sean with Girls’ Generation
American record producers Sean Garrett and Ricky Luna both recently tweeted photos of Girls’ Generation in a Seoul recording studio. Ricky’s tweet reads, “With #girlsgeneration Seoul Studios. We are working together on an album. #seangarret is a beast.”
Jessica, Tiffany, Hyoyeon, and Seohyun Share Photos and Messages on SONE PLUS+
Jessica, Tiffany, Hyoyeon, and Seohyun posted new photos and messages onto SONE PLUS+, Girls’ Generation’s Japanese fansite. In the first photo, Tiffany can be seen taking a selca. Her message read, “It’s been a while Hiroshima~★ It was a lot of fun! Let’s have a fun time tomorrow too! I snapped a commemorative photo for today~♪”. In the second picture, Jessica and Hyoyeon are seen with oranges from Hiroshima, while in the third, Seohyun poses cutely for the camera. Seohyun also included a message, saying, “Everyone’s voices were really loud and that got us really excited both days! ♪ I’m thankful for the fans for making such fun times. Let’s meet again~★”
New Sets of Pictures
banila co. – Jessica1, Jessica2, Jessica3
Eider – Yoona1, Yoona2, Yoona3, Yoona4
Girls’ Generation Travels Abroad and Back
• 3/6: Left Japan for Gimpo Airport in Seoul, South Korea
• 3/6: Arrived at Gimpo Airport in Seoul, South Korea – News and Fantaken Images
• 3/8: Left South Korea from Incheon Airport in Seoul, South Korea – News and Fantaken Images
• 3/8: Arrived in Japan
SONE Picture/Video of the Week
Visual art can be expressed through many different mediums, and graffiti is always an impressive one. This brilliant picture of Taeyeon is a perfect way to celebrate the Kid Leader’s 25th birthday.
If you have any pictures or videos you’d like to submit for SONE Picture/Video of the Week, please feel free to do so by sending them to the Soshified Writing Team at [email protected] or posting at the official SONE Picture/Video of the Week thread.
Sources:, banila co., [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], 더페이스샵 (THEFACESHOP), High Cut, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] 1, [email protected] 2, [email protected] 3, Osen
Written by: kt9823@soshified, Grizzlei@soshified, dandan87@soshified, LetsGo@soshified, gjak1117@soshified, moonrise31@soshified
Contributors: minigiglo@soshified, ch0sshi@soshified, RedSunsetXIII@soshified
Edited by: bhost909@soshified
Have a news item that you think Soshified should know about? Leave us a tip or e-mail us at [email protected].
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jessi looks so adorable in that photo
and damn!! sooyoung looks so damn fine!!
flawless queen!!
snsd fighting
I love how the girls continue to show their dorky sides. I keep watching Harlem Shake videos and I really want SNSD to do one. It would be epic!! :D
the graffiti was really awesome, really daebak !
Great Taeyeon Mural !!! <3
that graffiti looks awesome!!!
kamsahamnida SSF for wrap. you are always the best.
loving that pic with them in the studio with 2 American record producers. that just mean that they’re making their move on that hopefully English album. still no concrete evidence yet on that rumored album, just speculations and hype that’s driving me crazy. since becoming a Sone 2011 and keeping up with Soshi activities, i’ve come to realize that some of the rumors (news) does come out to be the truth. i’m praying that this will be their English album they’re working on. please take good care of our angels. loving all the girls’ selcas and ads pics and vids. congrats on being chosen to represent S.K. at that HK Asia Pop concert.
Sone pic make that building look beautiful. i love how it just cover up the dirt and grime and make it look brighter. job well done talented Sone(s) and thanks for sharing.
can’t wait to read next week wrap. :D
SO proud of our girls… They’re really busy but they have time for other activities. Keep up your strength, girls!
that graffiti is from indonesia right?
yup … check this thread
I wish Eider was available in the States. Then I could support Yoona! Haha.
my main focus this week is the photos
of the girls with sean garnett…the girls
look overworked as usual…but put all
the enthusiasm they have left into collaborating
with the american producer…for what i
hope is to be their debut american album!!!
i anxiously await the tour…or whatever they
are going to call it to promote the album!
i will make it my mission to get to every show!
so excited for the album! also…i am appealing
to all sone…i know sean garnett may be a
foreign producer that you may not be familiar
with…and may be a producer you would not
typically associate with our girls…but please
give him a chance…please give the album a
chance…i have seen too many “sone” close
themselves to anything outside the typical kpop
mold…snsd is exceptional and should be breaking
out of this mold…they are…just embrace their
power…their uniqueness…as you so vehemently
claim…to their american promotions!!! :-)
I hope the girls were recording their English album at Seoul Studio
I also wonder what the girls were recording in the Seoul studio with Sean Garrett. Maybe it’s the English album, or just another artist’s album they were featuring in.
BTW, Hyoyeon appeared in this week’s Dancing with the Stars Korea season 3, discussing about her season 2 experience. Too bad all the youtube videos seemed to have been taken down by now.
Judging from the clothes girls are wearing in Sean Garrett’s photos, it seems the girls recorded something right before they left for Japan.
I love all the girls pictures so much. <3 I'm dying to see what GG are cooking up in the studio…the American debut album perhaps!? :o I'm so excited whatever the outcome is!!! ;D #ForeverSNSD