From all of us here at Soshified, we want to wish everyone a happy holiday! Let’s continue our journey in 2013 together!
On a side note, every Christmas I wonder why Rudolph is my favorite character, and then I realize it’s because of this moment:
and of course
Doesn’t matter if you’re celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or nothing at all, it’s nice to know you’re being thought about, so these are our warm wishes to the community! Stay warm, and continue loving Girls’ Generation.
Let’s work hard for their comeback >.<
Ugh i wish i saw this before would’ve made my christmas better!!!
To all SONEs..
Merry christmas and happy holiday.. Hope you have a joyful day. God bless all of you..
Merry Christmas everyone!! Hope you have a great new year too!
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas SNSD and have a happy new year!!!! Great luck to your comeback!!!! Can’t wait! :D
Minzy at the end :P BEST!
Gotta allow me some 2ne1 as well for christmas as well as GG
Merry Christmas everyone
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year (whenever it is for you!)!!
I know SNSD will continue taking over the music world in 2013.
My Christmas wish is an all English language CD, like they’ve done for their Japanese fans.
Thank you so much to SSF for keeping us in the know for all things SNSD :D
Jessica was so cute saying that she only knew the English version of Rudolph The Red Nose Rain Deer and her Tiffany broke out singing it! <3 Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to all the SONES around the world!!! :D Much love to you all! <333
I know that Girls’ Generation and us SONEs will be having the best year ever next year, because of course the girls are going global this time around, going around the world to have fun with all of the SONEs in places like their native South Korea and the United States. And on another note, I know that people like us will continue to live life to the fullest and never ever care about all of the crazy things that crazy and delusional people say. I know that 2012 was an amazing year for the girls and I am truly confident that 2013 will be another awesome year for the girls because, yes, they are going international. And i’m so happy. I will look forward to all of the amazing things coming up for the girls. And to top it all off, I must say this
To all of the SONEs around the world and to Girls’ Generation as well…………..
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
OMG!! I love the video of Rudolph where Jessica admits to not knowing the Korean version and she and Tiffany bust out with the English version, so cute!! This is why I love SNSD!!!
after the epic performance last year,
i will forever associate snsd with my
christmas joy! the girls are silly, the
girls are fun, the girls are family-oriented,
and appreciative of all they have! they
are constantly giving to others, and i can
think of no better embodiment of the
christmas spirit than our girls! very funny
references by the way! merry christmas
and happy holidays to all of soshi and
all of sone!!!
MERRY CHRISTMAS Sones and to our 9 Angels. Have more Blessings to come for all of us.
Happy Holidays :)
Ha ! Ha ! Thanks for the Soshi Christmas memories and a Very Blessed Christmas to All SONEs here on Soshified and around the world :D !
May All your Soshi wishes come true :).
Cheers !
Merry Christmas all and Happy New Year
Hope all of you can get a nice holiday and a wonderful Christmas.
Hope for the best for next year.^^
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! God bless you ^^
Merry Christmas all ^0^ And Happy New Year ^_^ Happy Holiday :D
Merry Christmas all^^ and Happy New Year too^^ To all of the S♥nes in Asia, Europe, America, and around the world!!^^ and of course for the 9 angels^^ GBUs
Merry christmas too ^_^
It’s true that I’m not celebrating Christmas.. I’m muslim .. But it really touches me when I see us all like a family thinking about each other and wishing one another best wishes ♥ Happy new year & Merry Christmas for all Christians ♥
Merry Christmas S<3nes!!! Let's wish our girls the best of luck with finishing their Korean album (and finally starting one for the US (I'm so excited!)), and let's put our best foot forward, too!
Merry X’mas !!!!!!Snsd
yes merry christmas to all the Girls Generation!!!!
Yup, will continue to support SNSD and Soshified! Merry Christmas everyone!
Merry Christmas to all of us!! And enjoy your holiday^^
Hope you guys got a wonderful Christmas..and also for my nine angel^^
And I still waiting for the korean album that about to release..hehe
Merry christmas too :D
First?! YEAH!!!
Man, last year’s SNSD Christmas performance was magnificent!!!
Wow… One year flew by, what did I accomplish?
But SNSD is still rocking out around the globe, yeah!!!
Can’t wait for their comeback to shake the world. GO GO GO SNSD!!! SOSHI GO!!!
SNSD Forever!
God bless the nine.
God Bless All SONEs and our 9 angels too ^_^ You too ^^ Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all S♥nes around the world. SSF you the very best. :D
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