It’s summer, and with the season comes rain. When it rains you get stuck inside, and what better way to pass the time than by perusing the beautiful pictures of Girls’ Generation in their photobooks? This month we will take a look at two of Girls’ Generation’s photobooks, the Tokyo photobook, “So Nyuh: Girls’ Generation The First Photobook”, as well as “Holiday”.

So Nyuh: Girls’ Generation The First Photobook
I had some trouble reviewing this particular book. As I told some friends I was talking to while preparing this review, “I can’t think of anything to write for this review, because I’m flipping through the photobook, and I can’t stop staring.”
“So Nyuh” is a 354 page behemoth of a book that would crush a coffee table if accidentally dropped on it. It was originally released back in June of 2010 but went out of print until a very short re-release in December of 2011. It comes with a DVD with various behind-the-scenes footage of the girls during the photo shoots for the book, which are actually really nice to watch, because all of the members have a lot of fun with each other while at the different locations for the shoots.
The photographs in this book are nothing short of stunning. The girls traveled to Tokyo, and there are so many different sets, from hanging out in a cabin, playing in the rain with a clear umbrella, partying together, playing random sports in a gymnasium, and a beautiful scene at the beach. The variety of the pictures is really remarkable, and each member has exceptionally beautiful three page fold-outs that really show off their individual beauty. Now, keep in mind the size of this book. At 235 x 330 mm, it’s huge, so the fold-outs are almost like mini-posters rather than a page in a book. It’s a shame you can’t just hang these up without the book bringing the wall down.
I never thought I would really enjoy a photobook, but the Tokyo photobook is truly amazing. Unfortunately the book is out of print right now, but hopefully it will have another re-release in the future. If you can manage to find one, do not hesitate to get it. “So Nyuh” is my second most prized Girls’ Generation possession after my “Into The New World” album.
Overall: 999/9
If “So Nyuh” is the big momma of Girls’ Generation photobooks, “Holiday” is the runt of the litter. Released back in November of 2011 in Japan, it’s 190 pages and measures 148 x 210 mm, making it a fairly small book. However, the small size doesn’t take away from the fact that the book has great pictures of the girls having fun together on a vacation to Guam.
“Holiday” is split up into eight chapters, and the first kicks off the fun theme of the book: “At the crib on a day off just kickin’ it with the girls”. It’s a party as the girls just mess around with each other and eat junk food. This style of a more personal approach to the photos continues throughout much of the book, especially in the chapter where they go grocery shopping.
Another chapter is an entire Q&A session where each member answers thirteen questions along with beautiful profile shots. The translations for this section can be found in Soshified’s Translated Goodies section.
My only complaint with “Holiday”, aside from the size, is that there are more than just a few photos of random things, like a dog in the street or houses in Guam. It’s nice in the fact that it sets the scene for the girls’ vacation, but I’d much rather have these be replaced with more pictures of the girls themselves.
The “Holiday” photobook was actually my first Girls’ Generation photobook purchase, so I wasn’t exactly disappointed when I first got it, but that’s mostly because I had no frame of reference. The fact is that it’s small, both in size and quantity of Girls’ Generation pictures. The photos are great for the most part, especially the ones from the beach, but the overall quality lacks compared to the Tokyo photobook.
Overall: 5/9
Images: Soshified Photo Gallery
Written by: MoonSoshi9@soshified
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woah at the picture where 9 of them are together. loVE it !! :D
thank for sharing!
all are so beautiful! nine girls are relly cherrish! love soshi forever!!!
with all due respect, I can’t give the Holiday photobook anything less than an 8/9
Hey, i have 2 copies of the So Nyuh photobook that i want to clear. Anyone interested? :)
what conditions are they and how much you looking for?
The pic is perfect, they really suit them
I was sooo happy when they re-released the photobook, and the DVD is so cute (I was happy to see that it has English subtitles!). I liked Holiday as well, but I paid so much to get it from Japan, and it didn’t quite feel worth it :/
Wow… The pictures are amazing! Snsd bright the most when there are 9 together, as we can see in the pictures… Everyone has a cheerful smile :) Snsd Jjang!
So glad to read this! I should actually be getting these soon so I’m glad to see a review. And I’m also glad that the Tokyo book is so good! I look forward to flipping!!!!
i think they are two drastically different photobooks. one is of nine girls, and one is of nine women. one is more plain ( i do not use that description as a detriment, but a compliment), and one is more flashy and colorful. i actually really like the holiday photobook for it’s unique approach. it is much more happy and joyful than the other photobooks. that being said, i do understand it’s low score relative to the japanese photobook. that thing is incredible. i never knew such peace and calm could come from a photobook, but i honestly feel like i’m at the beach with the girls, enjoying the quiet, enjoying this brief moment with the girls. i love these girls and i love the beach, so this is forever one f my favorite snsd moments. and it seems less orchestrated than the holiday photobook, which i like. it is more natural. i like both, but like the reviewer, the tokyo photobook is in a league of it’s own!!!
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh why not 1000/9 ? it’s only 1 mark difference hahah!!
now i really want the Tokyo photobook! i shall find it!!!
thank you for the review!!!
will hunt them down not matter WHAAAT
uri soshi ^^
i’m still waiting for my tokyo photobook, but i think my order is lost ._. but it looks very good, so i’ll just put it as my favorite xD
and i actually like those random pictures of dogs n stuff in the holiday photobook, it gives a better view of the scenery and i like that.
just bought a so nyuh book from ebay…
are they really out of print? o.O
anyhoo. i look forward to the 354 pages of soshi goodness. ^^
If there’s a must-own piece of SNSD merchandise, the Tokyo photobook is it :D 999/9 is a well deserved score!
If anyone is looking to buy it, check out the magic of eBay ;)