It’s been a while since our last Soshitoons comic, but we will try harder to create more! Here’s the latest episode that delves into the life of SONEs and their test taking ability.
If you ever have an idea for a Soshitoons comic, feel free to email to us at [email protected]. If you’ve forgotten about or missed the previous episodes, you can check them out here:
Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3, Episode 4, Episode 5, Episode 6.
Story by michaelroni, artwork by amipi
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LOL!!! Cool comic!
9 is the best number in the world. I even have it on my jerseys. Heh.
so cute :’)
congratulation SNSD.. keep up the good work
Hahaha….very nice…!!
Co ai song o viet nam khong. Minh khong gioi tieng anh cho lam. Ai la nguoi viet nam cho minh ket ban nha!
Forever 9 :D
Michael, you’re just too funny! This was great! BWAHAHA XD
whahahha! This sooooo reminds me of my previous score during our online quiz :P
That was 9 out of 10 though? not bad…
but exam…
having 9%? lol~
I can just laugh my whole self out…
whaaaaaa~ Well then, if Tiffany would be our English teacher, then I sure did take that subject in school now (I don’t have English subject this semester).. lol~
But anyway, the words of encouragement, yes yes~ that’s probably what she would say when she finds out someone’s getting 9% on exams… :P
This chapter express my feeling. Power of Nine forever.
never ever underestimate the number 9!!!!!!
I can’t even. I should try to score exactly 9% for my upcoming test. LMAO.
I love this one. simplicity! ;)
gaaah~ it would be great if my teacher was Tiffany. :D
seriously, this comic is cool and me.cough, 9 became my favorite number. i hope tiffany was my english teacher T_T
haha, i used to be happy when i got 9 marks for my quiz..but its 9/10 xp
I seriously get SO happy when these are posted! I saw it on the screen and I was like “OMG YES CLICK YES YES WOOO~~ :DDD”
hahah very cool!! OMG the teacher Tiffany part is so true man!!
lol! that’s so me!… my forever love number is 9!!
I love you snsd!