Hey all,
If you have not noticed yet, Google is celebrating the birthday of Les Paul, guitarist and inventor of the solid-body electric guitar. For the occasion, Google created one of their patented doodles on its home page (which you can now access HERE), one that not only looks like a guitar, but plays as well if you move your cursor above the strings. In addition, if you press the record button (if you live in the United States) or the keyboard button (for any other country’s Google website) below the guitar, you can use your number keys to play. If you live in the United States, you can record a song, and a link will be made at the end of your recording session, which you can then share with others. When using the number keys, 1=do, 2=re, 3=mi, and so forth, all the way up to 0=high mi.
We here at Soshified Writers thought we’d have some fun, Girls’ Generation style, so we transcribed some popular Girls’ Generation songs for you to play on your Google guitar. Because the guitar has no sharps or flats, some notes may seem off, but we tried to substitute the closest note possible. You can also click on the link to hear what it sounds like (only if you’re in the United States. Sorry ) Regardless, see if you can come up with your own transcriptions or pieces, and feel free to share them below in the comments section. Enjoy!
Into the New World:
23431431431 2654324 2234516765 333243
6788875875 560987768 5669765398 545697
6788875875 560987768 668909 599890 56976576 (Courtesy of xReiya…much better than mine in my opinion )
456666666666666 885555555514561 456666666666666 498656 49865676
Kissing You (Part 1, Part 2):
2567777653777653777659098 889765567626678999
2567777653777653777659098 77798767897665
531236531234444313452 5312365312344443134521221
9756709756758888757896 297567097567588887578965665 (higher pitch)
4444555222 1111111222 44555222 11111112222
Tell Me Your Wish:
434344254 434344254 434344254 454321 333214 333214 333214 333214
667878788698 878788698 878788698 898765 555438 555438 555438 555438 (With much help from Kimcheeee)
Girls’ Generation:
6666555631 666655323 6666555631 666655321
Echo (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3):
444433322 2222221123 444433322 2222221123
442142424 442142424 442142424 21421421556654
42424242 4422222441111123 42424242 4422222441111123
Motion (Part 1, Part 2):
33321325 55653554 453212351234343431325
1233321325 55543554 453212351234321121
77765769 99987988 897656795678787875769
577765769 99987988 897656795678765565 (higher pitch)
Run Devil Run (Part 1, Part 2) (Courtesy of MoonSoshi9):
24569584 4545454542 24569584 4545454542
9999096 6864 4864 24569562 222222222 2222222
Hoot (Courtesy of foody518):
22234322 612122234322 111113355 22486 22486 22486
Visual Dreams (With much help from taperjeangrrl):
08968899888 08968899888 08968899888 89876898766
33666666668888889099989890986 336666666688888890999890808086
00863300863399989890986 336666666688888890999890808086
(Note: Permanent link here: http://www.google.co…11/lespaul.html for everybody to enjoy.)
Written and recorded by: [email protected]
Contributors: [email protected], cedge, [email protected]
Have a news item that you think Soshified should know about? E-mail us at [email protected].
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