The announcement of the June 10 SMTown Paris concert generated enormous excitement, with tickets selling out within 15 minutes. The cost of the cheapest seats were 56 Euros (~88,000 won) and VIP seats at 111 Euros (~175,000 won), but there were VIP tickets being scalped for 399 Euros (~620,000 won) online on the first day that tickets were being sold.
The high difficulty of purchasing seats for the single concert date caused many European fans to urge SM Entertainment to put on an additional performance. The request by fans for a second concert date culminated in a flash-mob outside the Louvre Museum in Paris attended by over 300 people. As a result of the huge demand, SM Entertainment confirmed a second performance date for June 11. SM Entertainment expects the total two-day attendance number to reach 13,000 fans.
The tickets will be sold on Live Nation and Paris Eventicket.
Check out the Soshified Projects section for more information on fellow fans heading to SMTown Live in Paris as well!
Source: dongA, KoMe_France
Written by: [email protected]
Translated by: [email protected]
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