Member Since 14 Jul 2008Offline Last Active Private
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agentjjlee → idOl_Fanatic
Sally!! you need to be on more L0L! just drop outta school and lurk...kidding! DON'T YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT DOING THAT! stay in school and be cool :)

idOl_Fanatic → agentjjlee
I swear, I needa be on ssf more. D:
I'm missing out on so much... I hate school work. ;___;
I'm missing out on so much... I hate school work. ;___;

snsdazzled → idOl_Fanatic
I know I'm quite late. but hey! happy birthday! may luck by your side always. :)

idOl_Fanatic → agentjjlee
omo~ oppas a subber now~~ looking forward to seeing your name on the vids~

agentjjlee → idOl_Fanatic
sally!! how r u doing? havent heard from you in a while? enjoying ur winter break?

idOl_Fanatic → Mister Sheep
Hey Kelly!~ welcome to the world of SNSD fanatics!~