Member Since 20 Jan 2010Offline Last Active Private
About Me
file size purposely big to prevent stealing until i learn to watermark TT_TT
I'm a:
I ♥ ALL n9ne, jinjja! Er, call me Christa I say really awkward things sometimes ANYWAYS, im a GAMER. Yes i am a Pisces and Taeyeon makes me take extra pride in it ER. if you're still reading...why? Unless you really are interested sometimes i can be TaeNySicHyoSoo biased though...
Just saying ^^;
I don't lurk purposely and
I don't mean to be a silent shipper/spazzer [[TaeNy♥]]I just read all the post/replies to a topic when i finally have the time
and usually I'm too late and a
new subject has already been started lol.
I started adding my 2 cents anyways lolol-.-
because if you've read this "far" down,
then you deserve to know^^
...Unless you scrolled down....cheater!
...or so I've been told
Console.MMoRPG's. DDR rip offs.
You name it, i do it, or done it.
OK so with that being said,
i know what i am and dont have
to state the other obvious thing
Oh man, and if she was left handed too (yes i am)...i would *facefloor*
But knowing our b-days are 5 days apart and that we share a common love for Blue and Purple is enough to fuel my fangirl-ism. huhuhu~Even though that's a common thing, if you know a Pisces ask them and i guarantee they will say one or both
..but still!
Im just ranting and you must be bored
and its making me uncomfortable...
..then friend away? I'm pretty friendly,
maybe overly friendly at times, but still!
Ps. If you havent noticed i like to joke alot.
So if you think something i said
anywhere at anytime was offensive,
then you thought about it way too hard
because that is never my intention
Community Stats
- Group Donors
- Active Posts 76
- Profile Views 3854
- Member Title SoshiHoney
- Age 36 years old
- Birthday March 4, 1988
Invalid Info... *Ninja Status*
Favorite SoShi Member
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