Country: Sacramento, CA, USA
Participants: kaneyrocks, harw00d4, & my brother
William Land Park
Downtown Sacramento
California State Capitol
Old Sacramento
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- → Viewing Profile: Posts: jellojuseyo
Member Since 16 Jan 2010Offline Last Active Jun 04 2016 07:27 PM
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Simply Breathtaking..
Fany's ♥ is enough for me!!
I daaaaaaiii
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- Member Title Fany Struck
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- Birthday July 9
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In Topic: [PROJECT] #SNSDVisualDreams Poster Project
03 April 2011 - 11:45 PM
In Topic: [UFO] Taeyeon's UFO Message
05 March 2011 - 11:49 AM
LOL! Kim Taeyeon is soooo silly! The girl got jokes.. OTL
In Topic: [PICS] Our Pastel Rose Generation
03 March 2011 - 02:23 PM
Awww.. the Soshibond is unlike any other. This is the main reason why they stand out the most and is continuously make history ♥
In Topic: [MESSAGE] Jessica's message on Woorisica
19 October 2010 - 02:56 PM
Sica, thanks for letting your fans know what happened. That confirms it and now there's less speculation.
It was fun seeing her on twitter. I'm still hopeful that she'll be back!
Thanks for translating!
It was fun seeing her on twitter. I'm still hopeful that she'll be back!
Thanks for translating!
In Topic: [OTHER] Thoughts from a Chinese fan
19 September 2010 - 09:14 PM
This article is so heartfelt. SNSD has made such an impact in so many lives through their music, their beauty and their souls. As hard as it is to face the facts that they won't be with us forever, they are here now. RIGHT NOW IT'S GIRLS' GENERTATION! So let's cherish the moments we share with them. Let's continue to support and show them the utmost respect. Let's show them that they will always be our number 1 and nothing would ever come close.
SNSD is Love!
SNSD is Love!
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