Member Since 12 Jan 2010Offline Last Active Aug 28 2014 07:40 AM
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sica_ice87 → Greentealatte
hi there!..
i saw about the soshibang tumblr..
i want to advertise my soshibang ff there..can i?..hehe
this is the links..
i saw about the soshibang tumblr..
i want to advertise my soshibang ff there..can i?..hehe
this is the links..

yeezus → sica_ice87
haha, so as you can see, your small one-shot made me flail all over the place.
and in reply to the below about using my manip for your one-shot, you can. I don't mind. just be sure to credit me, I guess. :D
(didn't mean to be a stalker or anything, DX)
haha, so as you can see, your small one-shot made me flail all over the place.
and in reply to the below about using my manip for your one-shot, you can. I don't mind. just be sure to credit me, I guess. :D
(didn't mean to be a stalker or anything, DX)

AsianAlly → sica_ice87
I didn't make the TOPSica, but I made the G-Sica one. If you want to use anything that I made than just use it! But please credit me if you do!

sica_ice87 → AsianAlly
hii there...
i saw ur topsica's so great!..
i want to ask something..i want to ask your permission to use that manip of yours for my topsica one-shot..can i? if i can't, it's cool..:))
i saw ur topsica's so great!..
i want to ask something..i want to ask your permission to use that manip of yours for my topsica one-shot..can i? if i can't, it's cool..:))

sica_ice87 → phatrang
keke..i'm niniey87...
ohhh,so you are smile3107!..glad to meet u here!!..kekekek..
i'll update soon...
keep on enjoying my ff..:))
ohhh,so you are smile3107!..glad to meet u here!!..kekekek..
i'll update soon...
keep on enjoying my ff..:))

sica_ice87 → phatrang
hi..u are beast generation shipper, right?..keke...
btw, u can read my yongsica vs haesica ff here..i give the link below..
i didn't post this ff in shoshified coz i think it's lacking readers here..huhu..
hope u enjoy my yongsica ff..:))
btw, u can read my yongsica vs haesica ff here..i give the link below..
i didn't post this ff in shoshified coz i think it's lacking readers here..huhu..
hope u enjoy my yongsica ff..:))