01 - Twinkle
Twinkle definitely shows what this sub unit is all about--vocals. It's a nice song that you can dance to. It has a nice beat and rhythm, along with nice vocals and vocal direction. There are actual instruments in this song which compliments the song nicely. Overall I think this is a great debut song for this sub unit and a great song to listen to, especially when passionately lip syncing it. 9/10.
02 - Baby Steps
This is by far my favorite song. It's a sad ballad that gives a sad feeling. The vocals, vocal direction, and instrumental for this song are perfect. Even the lyrics, which is about a girl with low self-confidence in love with a guy, are really great. You can really feel the emotion in this song, especially Taeyeon's parts. The song isn't boring, so even if someone isn't a ballad person I think they'd still like it. 10/10.
03 - OMG (Oh My God)
This is my second favorite song off the album. I think the instrumental impressed me the most about this song because of how unique it sounded compared to SNSD's usual songs. As said from the previous song, everything about this song is perfect. This is definitely a unique up beat, pop song, or as Tiffany calls it, electronic retro pop. It gives off a fierce feeling and leaves me wondering why they didn't promote this song as well. It also features impressive vocals and unique vocal direction. 10/10.
04 - Library
Library is a song I always skip but it is in no way bad. To me it has the usual mellow SNSD sound to it. The vocals and vocal direction aren't too special, but it's still decent enough to like it. The beat is also kind of generic but the nice melody makes up for it. 6/10.
05 - Hello, Goodbye
This also has a nice, mellow sound, but I think it's better than Library. The vocals and vocal direction are much better. It's a nice feel-good, cute song that makes you want to dance, not because it's upbeat, but because I think it's such a happy feeling song that you just wanna dance to it. I think this should've had its own music video honestly. It's such a nice song to listen to. 8/10.
06 - Love Sick
This is a track that a lot of people seem to like, but it doesn't really catch my attention all too much. It's a ballad I always skip too, but when I do listen to it I appreciate the vocals. This song is probably the most I've ever heard Seohyun put emotion into, which is nice because that is something she really lacks. Generally it's a nice song but that's all I can really say about it. 7/10.
07 - Checkmate
This is yet another song that uses interments add a nice compliment to the song. The vocals aren't super impressive, but still credible. I think the vocal direction is really good. This is a nice up beat song to dance to. A seemingly live performance is inserted for a few seconds that adds some uniqueness to the song, and I think it does that well. 7.5/10.
*08 - Message From Girls' Generation - TTS Bonus Track
I think you can only get this bonus track if you buy it off of iTunes, but if you don't then don't worry. You're not missing much. It's a 7 minute and 40 second message from TTS recommending their favorite songs from the album. There's about one minute of Tiffany speaking English introducing what this message is about, and the rest is in Korean. I guess if you can understand Korean this would be an enjoyable thing to listen to, but if you don't, well, you can just listen to them talk for 6 more minutes with occasional laughter to which you have no idea as to why they're laughing (but we love them, so we laugh along with them anyway).
The album has decent packaging. The exterior felt a little fragile, but the build is still good. It comes with one random photocard out of 6 or 7 and 15 post cards.All of the post cards are nicely detailed with lots of colors. This was certainly one of SNSD's most unique concepts. 11 of the post cards are of the colorful tropical concept, which I really liked. And if you didn't like that concept, well, you have 4 post cards of the elegant concept from the Twinkle MV. All of the pictures are in high quality with good quality paper for the post cards too.
Overall average: 8.2
Is it worth it?: Yes. Absolutely. This was definitely one of SNSD's best releases, both from the songs to the content inside the physical album. I'm very disheartened that there weren't more songs on this album.