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Member Since 17 Nov 2009
Offline Last Active Apr 24 2014 11:40 PM

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05.23.12 Meeting my ultimate bias (Jessica)

23 June 2012 - 03:34 AM

Late post but it just occurred to me now :). This is my first fan account sooo don't expect much :(

As some of you may know, there was a free concert from MBC and Google in Mountain View a few months ago. Concert was amazing and at the same time, tiring (standing in line for 12 hours is not the business). Afterwards, it was just a regular school day and I got through it with post-concert depression. As I was walking out of class, my friend received a phone call from his cousin. After a few seconds of talking, he quickly turns to me and says "DUDE, Jessica's at Great Mall (a mall in Milpitas)." At first I was confused as to what he said because I didn't know any Jessica's so I replied back with a "Jessica who?" He continued to talk to his cousin and faced me with a shocked expression "SNSD's JESSICA!!" Now, Jessica is probably my ultimate bias when it comes to anything k-pop related and I have always dreamed of meeting her many many times so my face instantly dropped and the only thing that popped up in my mind was "GET THERE." We sprinted to the parking structure and I hopped into my car speedily getting off campus. My school was about 20 minutes away from that mall when there's no traffic. During this time, traffic hour was rising so I was freaking out speeding through the freeway going at 90 mph, bobbing and weaving through it trying to get back (which was an incredibly wrong thing to do cause somebody could've of gotten hurt or worse).

Upon arriving to Great Mall, my heart was racing like crazy because I could not believe what luck I had. So I frantically looked around for the best thing I had in my car for her to sign, and I pulled up my iPad. Then it hit me, I had no pen for her to sign. I jumped out of the car and my friend and I ran into the food court desperately trying to find a sharpie. Eventually I got one from a nice lady at Subways and ran to where my friends cousin said she was. When I got to where he was, he pointed at Perry Ellis and said "she's inside." My heart was at maximum right now as I tunnel visioned to walk inside. At first I couldn't spot her and kept repeating "where is she? where is she?" At that moment, I saw a light brown head of hair show up in my vision and my entire body had that "sinking" moment. I walked up to her nervously and said "Hi Jessica?" She turned around and there was this amazing glow that was radiating off from her. I kid you not. It was like the movies where they add a special effect glow around a gorgeous girl except there was no special effect in this case. She replied back to me with a mellow "Yes?" That yes melted my brain on the inside and I no longer knew who I was at that point. I then asked her out of reflex "Is it possible if I can have your autograph?" She said "Oh, sure" and proceeded to take my iPad and sharpie out of my hands. A man then pops out and smiles at us and she tells us that it's her dad. (very nice guy I must say) She asked me what my name was to which I responded with an idiotic "Huh?" as if I didn't know my name. I corrected myself and told her my name. Following that, my friend got his shirt signed and we walked out of the store. It was really bothering me because I wanted to take a picture with her but she refused saying that she had no make-up on. I wanted to ask her again, but thought of my actions thinking that she rarely gets any free time with her family and the last thing she wants is to be bothered over and over so I concluded that I'll be respectful and leave her for her rest time with her family. And that is how I met her :). Probably one of my favorite moments in my life that I'll cherish (along with the iPad hehe).

Here's a picture of my iPad that she signed
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