Member Since 21 Oct 2009Offline Last Active Jul 28 2014 06:07 PM
Profile Feed

teebee → CeLi
That's good to hear! I'm doing awesome! My summer is finally coming! tomorrow is my last day ^^

ForeverSoshi ♡ → CeLi
Celi? That' a pretty name ^^
So when did you become an SNSD fan?
So when did you become an SNSD fan?

teebee → CeLi
Haha my friend has one and she's been bugging me to get one XD
I've been bugging her to get a tumblr too. haha i won't get a twitter until she get's a tumblr, vice versa XD
How are you today?
I've been bugging her to get a tumblr too. haha i won't get a twitter until she get's a tumblr, vice versa XD
How are you today?