Member Since 30 Jun 2010Offline Last Active Jun 22 2012 12:22 AM
About Me
OhaYo anD KonIcHiwa to aLL ^^
taErinGo is hEre or mY reaL naME is AZZA(shoRt naMe)
18 yeArs old (already have hehe)
haVe goNe foR furTher stuDies n it's preTty aWesoMe ^^
taKIng nuRsing coUrse <33
fRom MalAysIa anD proUd to Be a MalaYsiAn
mY lanGuaGe is MalaY & EngLish (tryIng to leArn KorEa & JapaNese)
i aM veRy frienDly,taLkatIve,chEerFul,spoRtinG,loVinG,carIng,kiNd,fUn to bE wiTh anD hoT heaDed
loVe maKinG neW frienDs evEry dAy aND chAt wiTh thEm ^^
i aM ReddicTeD XDD(suPeR faVe 4 RED in cOlouR ^^) caUse itS symBolic mySelf is thIs rigHt ??)
loVe mY peTs,famIly,frIends aNd SNSD !!!!! (taEyeOn jeSsiCa X10) mosT favE ^^
TaEyeOn & JeSsica = TaeSica XDDD
anD my heIghT is 5'3 alMost thE samE as TaEyeOn/HyoYeon/SunNy ^^
noT thAt shoRt anD noT thAt talL juSt peRfeCt <DD
grEat fanS oF:
SNSD=tAeyeOn,jeSsIca,sUnnY,tiFfanY,yUri,HyoYeon,SooYounG,SeoHyuN & YooNa
(thEir neW looKs are PretTy sweEt n goRgeoUs loVe it so Much ^^)
toP 3 faVE koReaN arTisTs ^^
Community Stats
- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 69
- Profile Views 12733
- Member Title SoshiHoney
- Age 31 years old
- Birthday November 21, 1992
SinGing,daNcing ^^,suRf the neT,lisTEn to muSiC daY anD nighT aNd many MorE ^^
FaVe koRean baND:
1.SNSD-TaEyEon,JeSsiCa,tiFfAny,suNny,yUri,HyoYeon,YoOna,SeoHyuN & soOyouNg
2.SHINee-OneW,JonGhyUn,KeY,taeMin & miNho
3.2PM-TaeCyeoN,woOyoUng,NichKhuN,cHangsUng,juNsu & jUnhO
4.SUJU-SiWon,kYuhYun,LeEteUk,cHagmIn & mOre
theRe's moRe banDs buT thIs 4 is tHe favE ^^ anD iTs acCordIng to lIne <33 -
Favorite SoShi Member
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