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Member Since 11 Aug 2009
Offline Last Active Apr 14 2014 02:57 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: [UFO] Yoona, Yuri, Sooyoung UFO messages

14 April 2011 - 08:00 AM

thanks for sharing and translating the UFO's!

I dont know how Yuri can wake up that early to go work out...I cant even get up that early to go to college lol

And Yuri's comment about her and Yoona playing was enough to make me spazz and laugh haha

When I read Yoona's " I like myself more" comment, I was like XD

And Sooyoung's words is the quote that made my day, "There is no way out of SoShi."...which is true for me

In Topic: [MAGAZINE] SNSD - Sweet

14 April 2011 - 07:56 AM

thanks for sharing the pictures and for posting the translations!

Omg the one that made me crack up was one of the things that Yoona said about food lol

I love how they answered the question, honest and right to the point ^^, even though they were short

In Topic: [UFO] Yuri replies to UFO about Soshified Gifts

07 April 2011 - 07:19 AM

thanks for posting and translating!

OMG her reply was EPIC!!!

LOL I wonder where ssf found the boyfriend toy

when she said growing their boyfriends, that made me laugh so hard XD

In Topic: [COMIC] Soshifarm

17 February 2011 - 10:48 AM

omg thanks for posting these!!

They are so cute and funny! I cant wait for more! Keep it up! =D

In Topic: [YURI] A&F Hoodie

21 November 2010 - 12:15 PM

thanks for sharing!

omg Yul is soo cute in her selfcam! <333 I cant get over it! XD

It looks like she really liked the sweatshirt ^^