Member Since 15 Nov 2009Offline Last Active Dec 05 2011 08:34 PM
About Me
Hmmm.. XD Well my name is Scott (obviously) hehe.. I discovered SNSD through my friends.. they showed me video of them after that I automatically fell in love and became a fan.. I don't really follow other Kpop groups other than SNSD.. that's how loyal I am.. lol XD
My Favorite members are Yuri and Yoona.. of course, like everyone.. at first I couldn't tell who's who because they really look alike.. their not called twins for nothing..

After that I discovered that Yuri and I were born on the same exact day.. Dec. 5 1989.. (I wonder if we were born on the same time too) lol.. and that made me more obsessed and I spazzed for days..

Can you Handle this?
I know you can't.. XD
Community Stats
- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 183
- Profile Views 6292
- Member Title Offical YY fanboy
- Age 35 years old
- Birthday December 5, 1989
Favorite SoShi Member
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Philippines (PH)