Right now is girls generation!
CR: snsdpics.com
As a Yoonaddict,
I promise to appreciate her alligator mouth,
to support her in acting, laugh when she imitates AYM,
And LOVE Shikshin #2, because she's prettier than flowers.
As a Taeganger, I promise to despise all aegyo, to remain secretive with my butt fetishes,
to laugh whenever and however I want, to spread my 'amajjing!' engrish to everyone,
do everything I can to help Taeyeon in her quest to conquer the world,
and to wear a mustache to make my TaeYeon proud!
I know Taeyeon may be sad and lonely these days but snsd and sone's will never leave her side.
Cr: pbs.twimg.com
Yoong and Tae^^
Cr: forums.soompi.es
Jessica too gorjess for words~
Cr: wallpaper-share.com
More Yoona? XD Yoona Yoona Yoona pout!~
Cr: www.fanpop.com
I first learned of Snsd 3-4 years ago on my best friend's birthday! 1/20/10
Cr: gifsoup.com
See you!^^
I will always support Jessica.