Member Since 12 Feb 2014Offline Last Active Sep 28 2019 08:03 PM
About Me
Right now is girls generation!
CR: snsdpics.com
As a Yoonaddict,
I promise to appreciate her alligator mouth,
to support her in acting, laugh when she imitates AYM,
And LOVE Shikshin #2, because she's prettier than flowers.
As a Taeganger, I promise to despise all aegyo, to remain secretive with my butt fetishes,
to laugh whenever and however I want, to spread my 'amajjing!' engrish to everyone,
do everything I can to help Taeyeon in her quest to conquer the world,
and to wear a mustache to make my TaeYeon proud!
I know Taeyeon may be sad and lonely these days but snsd and sone's will never leave her side.
Cr: pbs.twimg.com
Yoong and Tae^^
Cr: forums.soompi.es
Jessica too gorjess for words~
Cr: wallpaper-share.com
More Yoona? XD Yoona Yoona Yoona pout!~
Cr: www.fanpop.com
I first learned of Snsd 3-4 years ago on my best friend's birthday! 1/20/10
Cr: gifsoup.com
See you!^^
I will always support Jessica.
Community Stats
- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 153
- Profile Views 7089
- Member Title SoshiStruck
- Age 24 years old
- Birthday October 21, 1999
Where could I be.... Oh i wonder..... If you are talking about the location in my house, I'm on my laptop.... in my room.... if you are talking about the country I live in....
Listening to K-pop (especially GG!)
Going on Youtube to support Snsd and to do anything else to support Snsd
Watching anime and Korean dramas
Reading manga
Hanging with my friends and having a loving family with my awesome 2 dogs.
Wants to travel the world and learn new languages once I get out of school
Likes to play the Kingdom hearts series and the Final Fantasy series
Considers herself dorky with her friends (in the best way possible)
Easygoing, caring and understanding.~
I may seem quiet and cold at first, but when you get to know me I'm really friendly, playful, daring and outgoing!(Kind of like Jessica) xD
Yoona is so awesome and is my role model.~ :) Her personality, dance moves, acting, singing, fashion style, beauty and more!
Snsd is so funny, nice and the sones are so supporting and great!
Also a hardcore Taeganger!
Possibly a hardcore Gorjess spazzer too....
Glad to be part of the sone community!
A Chinese sone. :P (Not saying my nationality kekeke)
I am "Into The New World" of k-pop.
I also LOVE Exo. Yehet! Tao is my bae! Tao is love Tao is life.~~~
Taylor Swift was my life when I was younger and still is now.^^
My OTP is Taengsic and Yoonyul. Yeah... XD
I'm also Invisibleseeker on Youtube.
So that's me. Well, bye? -
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