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Member Since 20 Jul 2009Offline Last Active May 11 2016 01:08 PM
About Me
Hello to whoever is reading this, thought I might as well type in something here whilst I am editing my profile
My name is Roderic Chun Ming Lee as you have might have guessed I am Chinese but I am BBC (British Born Chinese)(My Chinese name is Lee Chun Ming)
College is a pain, so much work to do it's not even fun anymore. Hardly get to do anything now!
I don't mind people leaving a comment on my profile always good to read what you guys and gals put and I will do my best to reply back
If you ever need someone to talk to I am always free to listen, I am friendly so I don't bite... much.
Just a little extra info/future
My Cantonese isn't the best I must admit but I decided not to learn it here in England because I think learning a language is always better in the country that actually speak it like HK for example
Will also learn Japanese and Korean in the future as well as improving my Cantonese, maybe Mandarin as well.
Where would you find me?
You can always find me on twitter or any other social network, Facebook, MSN, Skype etc.
http://sone-zero.tumblr.com/ I also update on here so be sure to read my posts and if you follow me, just leave a message here on my wall and I will follow back
(Links are below in the contact information)
Anyways Thanks for visiting.
Please leave a comment! ^^
Will see if I can make this better as time goes on haha XD
Community Stats
- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 55
- Profile Views 11241
- Member Title SoshiHoney
- Age 30 years old
- Birthday July 15, 1994
UK England
SNSD of course, they are all my favourites but I can be biased when Sica is involved ;)
Watching Anime, Playing Video games, listening to music (SNSD) or any other K-Pop also listen to J-Pop as well, Playing football and various other sports :).
Looking for good wallpapers on SSF or any other forum like Soompi for example :).
Tweeting random and fandom things on twitter, be sure to follow me and I will follow you back ^^ -
Favorite SoShi Member
Proud citizen of
United Kingdom (GB)
Contact Information
- Instagram roderic5000
rodders_94 or type in my e-mail address
Website URL
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