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Member Since 11 Jul 2009
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In Topic: 05 - Stay Girls

07 December 2012 - 06:21 AM

I love this song's lyric, lovely song and meaning. Thanks the lyrics and translation.

In Topic: [OTHER] Thoughts from a Chinese fan

20 September 2010 - 09:16 AM

quoting on what Jessica said 'we know we're not going to be on top forever but what we hope is that our way down to be the most graceful and beautiful one there is'
this is what i like about the girls, they are real and optimistic
i know even though they can't stay on top forever and keep on promoting until they are ahjummas i hope the one reason i love the most about them 'Their Bond' will last forever and i believe it will
thanks for sharing and translating this

In Topic: [OTHER] Jessica is this kind of a girl...

25 July 2010 - 06:45 PM

i fell in love with this girl from the very first time i knew SNSD and it never changed since then
this just made me love her even more, she's more than what met the eyes, and her voice is my favorite as well
it's so distinct i can recognize her singing without having to do re-listen
she's brilliant and admirable in her own way