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Member Since 15 Jun 2009Offline Last Active Sep 10 2021 04:52 PM
About Me
Just your random dude in Singapore (never heard of that country before huh), studying and trying to get a life and all. Full of random stuff if you want, and when I'm in the mood.
Original creator of the signature [S♥NE]forever
so if you see this signature anywhere else it means it was taken from me (most likely without permission if uncredited)
(edit: still) trying to get into SoShi Subs as an Editor.Nobody ever said you could give up after one failed attempt, no? Unfortunately, school's taking up a lot of my time, whether I like it or not...
Also, currently trying out fanfics. Do give mine a read here if you feel like it, and drop me a comment or two, I'd appreciate it.
Original creator of the signature [S♥NE]forever
so if you see this signature anywhere else it means it was taken from me (most likely without permission if uncredited)
(edit: still) trying to get into SoShi Subs as an Editor.
Also, currently trying out fanfics. Do give mine a read here if you feel like it, and drop me a comment or two, I'd appreciate it.
Community Stats
- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 214
- Profile Views 4142
- Member Title S?NE
- Age 32 years old
- Birthday August 23, 1992
(almost) anything soshi-related. :D
Favorite SoShi Member
Proud citizen of
Singapore (SG)
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