Great that the girls are having an encore concert! Hope they don't tire themselves out though.
And somehow they are missing out on a lot of countries, unfortunately.
It's spelled Shanghai btw
edit: looks like so far Singaporeans have been dominating this page, lol. x)
- Soshified
- → Viewing Profile: Posts: aaronsine
Member Since 15 Jun 2009Offline Last Active Sep 10 2021 04:52 PM
About Me
Just your random dude in Singapore (never heard of that country before huh), studying and trying to get a life and all. Full of random stuff if you want, and when I'm in the mood.
Original creator of the signature [S♥NE]forever
so if you see this signature anywhere else it means it was taken from me (most likely without permission if uncredited)
(edit: still) trying to get into SoShi Subs as an Editor.Nobody ever said you could give up after one failed attempt, no? Unfortunately, school's taking up a lot of my time, whether I like it or not...
Also, currently trying out fanfics. Do give mine a read here if you feel like it, and drop me a comment or two, I'd appreciate it.
Original creator of the signature [S♥NE]forever
so if you see this signature anywhere else it means it was taken from me (most likely without permission if uncredited)
(edit: still) trying to get into SoShi Subs as an Editor.
Also, currently trying out fanfics. Do give mine a read here if you feel like it, and drop me a comment or two, I'd appreciate it.
Community Stats
- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 214
- Profile Views 4148
- Member Title S?NE
- Age 32 years old
- Birthday August 23, 1992
(almost) anything soshi-related. :D
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Singapore (SG)
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Posts I've Made
In Topic: [ARTICLE] SNSD Having Encore Concert in Feb /Starting Asia tour from April
11 January 2010 - 09:41 PM
In Topic: [OTHERS] After Spending About a Day with SNSD
31 October 2009 - 10:36 PM
Couldn't be better said. (I'm jealous of the lucky dude who got to take pictures with them~ rawr)
I feel like a proud younger brother hearing (or rather, reading) these comments... even though I'm not related to them. (or so I wish xD)
Thanks for the translation I hope there can be more accounts like this so that the darned anti-fans can just shut up.
I feel like a proud younger brother hearing (or rather, reading) these comments... even though I'm not related to them. (or so I wish xD)
Thanks for the translation I hope there can be more accounts like this so that the darned anti-fans can just shut up.
In Topic: [COMIC] Hello We're SNSD!! Jessica's Part, Chapter 2
27 August 2009 - 07:54 AM
(haha lol more for dota players, but the one-hit-ko part should be easily understood, no?)
aish too bad can't like this post, like in fb. D:
(haha lol more for dota players, but the one-hit-ko part should be easily understood, no?)
aish too bad can't like this post, like in fb. D:
In Topic: [COMIC] Hello We're SNSD!! Taeyeon's Part, Chapter 2
13 August 2009 - 11:30 PM
LOL this is like sooo great. missed commenting on the first one though.
and 300 replies? personally I'd think getting 1000 replies would be easy, since this is really great.
and 300 replies? personally I'd think getting 1000 replies would be easy, since this is really great.
In Topic: [PICS] SNSD Best Looks Part 2
06 August 2009 - 11:48 PM
LOL thanks for uploading so much. was away from computer so missed to comment on first one. >.<
great work compiling all these memorable moments into one single picture, (actually there's like 2 so far, right?) I've actually missed some of these moments while watching the vids. yes, i know, how could i, but then i just missed them out, sorry
then again, really hope you'd be uploading MOAR plz. give us more reasons to laugh and enjoy all these soshi-moments, haha.
great work compiling all these memorable moments into one single picture, (actually there's like 2 so far, right?) I've actually missed some of these moments while watching the vids. yes, i know, how could i, but then i just missed them out, sorry
then again, really hope you'd be uploading MOAR plz. give us more reasons to laugh and enjoy all these soshi-moments, haha.
- Soshified
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