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Member Since 02 Dec 2012
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About Me

Hey guys, my name is Rosie (but you may also see people call me Bambi too)
I don't bite, please feel free to message me or add me as a friend! :D or follow me on twitter @QuirkyTeaCup

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I have a couple of threads here on SSF if you want to check them out here are the links :)
I know its shameful self promotion but I'd love some feedback on them ^^
Here is my on-going fanfic- Soshi of the Caribbean
I also have a one-shot collection in progress- Secrets of the Stones~
And my new collab fic with dwarfoy- Forgotten Rose ^_^
If your not keen on fanfiction then why not check out my art thread Beautiful Roses ♥
Or my TR (Taking Requests) thread Let The Petals Fall ♥
And lastly, my collab thread- Tell Me Your Wish Collabs ♬♪ please feel free to audition or just check out the collabs on offer.

The page looked a little empty so...
A little bit about me~ ^^
I am a Fashion student, and I'd love to design for K-pop artists when I've finished my studies.
First K-pop Song: Into The New World. (First heard in August 2007)
Properly Started Listening To K-pop: August 2011
Song That Reintroduced Me To K-pop: Mistake
First K-pop Cd: Mr. Taxi
First Photocard: Yuri
Favourite Member: All 9 ^.^
Favourite Song: Into The New World
Favourite Album: Girls' Generation/ Baby Baby (for now at least ^_^)
Favourite Color: Pink!
Sub Unit I'd Love To See: Sooyoung, Yuri, Yoona and Hyoyeon
Favourite Book: Alice in Wonderland (have been know to say things that are unintentional references to it)

I think that's probably enough for now, if you want to know anything else just ask~ ^^

Since each individual member seemed to have their own vow/oath I decided to create my own for Girls' Generation as a whole, please tell me what you think?

Girls' Generation- Sne Vow:
As a Sne, I promise to that,
I will try my best to learn Korean and about Korean culture.

I will widen my K-pop knowledge and proudly enjoy other bands almost as much as Girls' Generation.
I will learn all the words and every dance to all Girls' Generation's songs.
I will learn to operate on KST (Korean Standard Time) and on little sleep.
I will troll Soshified to find the latest news, new pictures and watch the latest videos and subbed goodies.
I will always be broke from trying to complete my Girls' Generation collection.

I promise to keep my life completely soshified.
I promise to be dedicated and to always do my best to promote Girls' Generation.
I promise that my color will always be pink, my number will always be 9, and my group will always be Girls' Generation.

Thank you for reading =D xx

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  • Group Donors
  • Active Posts 304
  • Profile Views 14533
  • Member Title SoshiStruck
  • Age 29 years old
  • Birthday November 17, 1995
  • Gender
    Female Female
  • Location
    Planet Soshi <3
  • Interests
    Most Things Pink, Drawing, Music, Singing, K-Drama's, Writing, Pokémon.
  • Favorite SoShi Member
  • Proud citizen of
    United Kingdom (UK)

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