- Soshified
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Member Since 10 May 2009Offline Last Active Private
About Me
haha dingwooo soshi hwaiting
well yeahh
As a sone nationalist, I shall uphold the pride of 9.
I shall promote the girls to friends and non-shippers and
I shall detest all rumors against the girls. May our nation
Prosper for a thousand years!!!
배고빠 배고빠>
stay away from me if you are any of these things:
-annoyed easily [because I may annoy you with my randomnessness] *meow* like a kitty
-an anti of any body or thing [if you are then leave or I will "bite churr head off" fear me I'm a ferocious tiger in the jungle rawrr]
-a weirdo [I'm not a weirdo if you're wondering I am a dork okayy weirdos are well weird no offense 2 weirdos I mean i was a weirdo once and if you want to know why I am not a weirdo anymore just ask 'kay]
that's about it for now. But don't forget I warned you. quote; I Know What You did Last Summer ;unquote
if yu r still confused remember
()=other mii | {}=i dunno ii juss got it up there so yeah | []=explantion | w/o()=mii
well yeahh
As a sone nationalist, I shall uphold the pride of 9.
I shall promote the girls to friends and non-shippers and
I shall detest all rumors against the girls. May our nation
Prosper for a thousand years!!!
im a grl who is juss slow [nott mentally........or am i..............i dunno........SEEE] well wateva...........{silence} awkward huhh
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (watt)ii realised ii still have skool for da next 7 years get it, 7 2pm, yes 2pm is still a 7 member group kk 7, i think (idiot ')hmm urr a meanie (flattery will get yu nowhere in life)
okayy 4 da ppl who r confused ()= Da other mii | w/o()=mii
get it now???
배고빠 배고빠>
< need 2 fill empty tummy............................wit FOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDi think thats how yu write it...몰라요 몰라요
stay away from me if you are any of these things:
-annoyed easily [because I may annoy you with my randomnessness] *meow* like a kitty
-an anti of any body or thing [if you are then leave or I will "bite churr head off" fear me I'm a ferocious tiger in the jungle rawrr]
-a weirdo [I'm not a weirdo if you're wondering I am a dork okayy weirdos are well weird no offense 2 weirdos I mean i was a weirdo once and if you want to know why I am not a weirdo anymore just ask 'kay]
that's about it for now. But don't forget I warned you. quote; I Know What You did Last Summer ;unquote
if yu r still confused remember
()=other mii | {}=i dunno ii juss got it up there so yeah | []=explantion | w/o()=mii
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- Group Rookies
- Active Posts 24
- Profile Views 4400
- Member Title SoshiHoney
- Age 29 years old
- Birthday February 8, 1996
in urr mind apparently
FOOOOOOOODDDD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yayyyyyyyyy
Favorite SoShi Member
Proud citizen of
Korea, South Korea (KR)
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- Soshified
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