E l l e
Member Since 11 Feb 2009Offline Last Active Jul 28 2022 07:17 PM
About Me
Elle. 21.
lackadaisical &
a few fries short of a happy meal.
p/s; i really like Taengsicyoon.
gif credit -ohnososhi @tumblr
avatar made by me. :-)
“sometimes i have to wake early. to cook flowers into my sentences.
sometimes i have to eat a word three times. before i can write it.
sometimes there is no weight or breath in the translation. (and my skin is angry and does not want to speak to me.
it tells me it is not. a secret language.)
sometimes i want to say it. and there is nothing in english. that will say it.
sometimes. my heart and my mouth. have different dreams at the same time. and there is not enough language in english to speak both.
often. i do my best to make english a sound from myself.
some days, i have moments when i forget. it is not mine.
many days, i feel it in my teeth.”
Community Stats
- Group ♬Radio DJ
- Active Posts 338
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- Member Title :)
- Age 28 years old
- Birthday January 6, 1996
Jessica's forehead
Taeyeon's jumma laugh and chin dimple.
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