Member Since 25 Oct 2011Offline Last Active Oct 08 2021 11:35 PM
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gunz0001 → LYRCat
Haven't start reading ur "Absinthe" but i really like ur oneshots ^__^ will start on ur ongoing after college :)

soshipiano11 → LYRCat
Hi dear author! Are you doing good nowadays? :) I saw your works at 3981.. you havent lost it.. looking forward for your updates! (: ~~영원히 소녀시대!

to those wondering, I have not abandoned any of my fics ~ because they all link together, I need to get each fic up to speed, hence the temporary hiatus of some fics ^^

Renki → LYRCat
When will you up the next chap of Choux Pastry Hearts ?....Desperated waiting.....The Absinthe is going well but Choux Pastry Hearts....Sr to bother you but......when...

Addicted to 4minute's new song. Oh Hyunah ;_____; why is your rap so sexy?!?

LYRCat → the9thtrack
I see you changed your username ^^ ~ I've yet to comment on your new fic, but since I'm here, I'll