Simply beautiful. And I mean everything in those pics.
Glad Yul's taking in the sights and sounds of NYC in her free time.
Really can't wait for Fashion King!
Thanks for the translations! ^^
- Soshified
- → Viewing Profile: Posts: Hyeshi
Member Since 21 Apr 2009Offline Last Active Apr 09 2015 08:00 PM
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- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 77
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- Member Title SoshiHoney
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In Topic: [OTHERS] Yuri's message and selca on Japanese mobile website
25 February 2012 - 10:14 AM
In Topic: [MESSAGE] 4th Anniversary: Send Girls' Generation a Postcard
02 June 2011 - 12:36 PM
Ok I'm done with mine~~~ Hope it gets to the admins! ^^ SSF 4th anniversary project DAEBAK!
Username: Hyeshi
Country: Malaysia
Username: Hyeshi
Country: Malaysia
In Topic: [TIFFANY] Tiffany on Soshified Shoutbox 2011-04-15
15 April 2011 - 08:00 AM
Thanks to all the headsup from SSFers on Twitter I got here in time WOOTS!!!~ I literally threw aside the dinner to spazz, take screencaps, and @#$%^@%! Was lucky enough to have gotten one post up near Fany's in Sbox! Gyahhhhh!!! God loves me! I finally get to see FANY on SSF! Closest I ever got to the girls. Thank you God!!!
THANK YOU FANY for visiting us... and answering some of our questions! SONEs now call themselves SILLYs coz of you. What you say is LAW. xD
WE LOVE YOU and please come back and visit again soooooooooooooooon, like you promised! ^^
Now where are thse batteries you said you were gonna go get? xDDDD
ps: I still can't find my own name on the list of active users in my own screencap. FAIL eyesight. T__________T
In Topic: [TIFFANY] Tiffany on Soshified Shoutbox 2011-04-15
15 April 2011 - 03:36 AM
Its "sookso eemo", which means Dorm Aunty... probably someone who comes and cleans their dorm? She must have thrown them away. Poor girls and Poor SSF T___T
- Soshified
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