Member Since 10 Apr 2009Offline Last Active Jan 28 2012 08:51 PM
Profile Feed

snsdazzled → SNSD-Myloveforthem
just dropping by to wish you a belated birthday! :)

SoNyuhShi Daelover → SNSD-Myloveforthem
Happy Birthday and even though HyoYeon's birthday is coming up very quickly may your birthday be just as great and wonderful as the rest of SNSD will make it for HyoYeon ^_^

Antu → SNSD-Myloveforthem
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great with alot of gifts! ^^

SNSD-Myloveforthem → Ryo
Ryo, i know u will pull it thru this ordeal. You had already gone so far and I am sure u can wake up. We will all be waiting for you...Hwaiting!!!

SNSD-Myloveforthem → Ryo
Although we have not met before.
I do wish you will pull through this ordeal and join us..
I do wish you will pull through this ordeal and join us..

seohyunhwaiting! → SNSD-Myloveforthem
hellos.. you mind if i add you in msn? hahas.. if not its okay though. :)