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Member Since 30 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 11 2014 01:29 AM
Yoong Actress is back!:)) Updated 09 Jul · 0 comments

About Me

I'm a kdrama addict. :)
One day I got curious with YoonA (I'm a fan of love rain);
so yeah..while searching, I bumped into "happy shares company with seungri"
I saw her bond with her co-member.They are so funny,so I got more curious.
I watched their "hello baby"(this is where I got to know each members' personality,face and name:))
Since then I watched all of their variety shows, interviews, guestings...etc
And here I am in SOSHIFIED.!

When did you become YoonAddicted? How? I don't like Kpop at all . But when GEE became popular, I liked it because it was catchy and cute. So I asked my brother(he's a wondergirl fan but he really likes kpop) who are they. Oh so they are snsd? then I asked him who is that pretty/innocent girl? he said it was Yoona and that she's the face of the group. Back then I only like her because she's the only person I could recognize ,and I am so closeminded saying they all look the same except for yoona. HAHA. Then ,fast forward ,Love Rain came. I saw her again! then I remember that she's the girl from snsd and I remember my brother saying that she may look innocent and silent but she's a playful person. So yeah. I watched all of her shows and tv appearances.Then I bumped into happy shares company with seungri,and I saw her bond with her co-members. I totally love all their personality.!Since then I watched all of their predebut-present vids. And right now I am slowly appreciating all of their songs! :) all thanks to yoongie!
Most memorable moment as a YoonAddict?Discovering Soshified and SNSD's personality:) Also seeing Yoona topping polls and receiving awards. And when I see a yoona hater becoming a yoona fan. ^^,
Favourite Yoona vocal performance(s): Gee Ballad Version the "No no no "part ><. , 4minute studio version, and this one where in she's singning I'm your girl>> http://www.youtube.c...h?v=oP20Y8wfTC0
Favourite Yoona dance performance(s):all esp the that's my name dance.
Favourite concept/era: GEE,dancing queen, Genie,Hoot, The boys, and IGAB :)
Favourite character played by Yoona: Nam da jung !! Jung Hana,and Kim Yoon-hee.:>
Favourite Yoona drama(s): I really don't like huge age gap, but my gosh PMAI got me! the characters are likeable! and also LR(I skipped all of the OLD version inha and yoonhee scenes. They made the drama boring>< grr.)
Favourite Yoona CF(s):Innisfree, eider, and alcon
Favourite Yoona photoshoot(s): I can't really pick. She's too pretty.>< haha
Favourite Yoona fanmade video(s): Funny Deeryoona http://www.youtube.c...h?v=4iqMUz8FNb4 (can't stop watching this.haha) http://www.youtube.c...h?v=_QzxTXqhLMs - yoona's aegyo
Favourite hairstyle(s) on Yoona:her gee, hoot ,genie,& the boys hairstyle!

Obviously YOONA is my bias..

-she's the reason why I got to know snsd
-she's the only person i could recognize during their GEE days.I don't know why.Maybe it's because of her pure/fresh/angelic beauty + charisma.No wonder she is the face of snsd!
-she's a good actress(she shined on Prime Minister and I ) (I personally like her more in reality shows,gag concert,variety shows)
-she's the master of expression. That's why she is the CF queen.
-she's good at dancing.S waves is her specialty! :)

  • She's pretty but she don't act like she's the queen; A very humble person.You can always see her at the back of her members.Giving them the spotlight.
  • She's not afraid to show her childish side.She plays around with the members,she does her alligator laugh without restriction,she does her aegyo even if sunny hates it ,she is a proud shikshin#2 and prankster.etc.Taeyeon is even reminding her to watch her action because she's the Face.haha
  • Her nickname says it all: Crazy Beauty, The FACE of soshi, Alligator Yoona, Yoong, Saseumi, Im-choding, Saebyuk, Strong YoonA.
  • She's a very hardworking person.Even before their debut, you can see her in CFs,MVs,.I'm proud of her ,because she auditioned 100 times for that.She also practice alot to improve her skills.You can really see her dedication.
  • She is easygoing and always on the go;If someone ask her to do an impromptu commercial, or do a sexy face, hatred face, or impersonate someone..she does it immediately with confidence and afterwards she will show her shyness (which is cute btw..hehe)
  • She always promote SNSD. Even though she's famous as an actress,she will always say that she's from SNSD. She also gives way for other members to talk. That's why I really despise her haters..saying that she is nothing,that she's only the face,and that she doesn't deserve to be the face and all.Come on guys! get to know her and you'll know why many people love her,why she is the ideal girl of male idols,why she is popular..
    SHE DESERVES TO BE THE FACE because she brings freshness.SM saw something in her.She is charismatic and many people would agree with me that out of the 9 ,she will be the 1st one that you'll notice.She contributed alot to snsd's popularity so Instead of hating,THANK HER! And she's not just THE FACE.she's the lead dancer along with hyo and yuri and she's a great actress! I lije her deep voice too which is suitable for ballad.

Anyways, I was really shocked that this angelic person can do crazy things! hehe.she's funny, friendly, pretty, playful,witty,and charming! That's why I really like her.

Current bias list:(subject to change>_<)

1st:YOona -FOREVER^^,

OTP(as bff):YoonYul, but I love all yoona ships.particularly YoonSic,SooNa& YoonTae; HyoSeo,HyoSoo,Yulsic, Taengsic,TaeNy, SooRi.
(as ideal couple): YoonGi, KhuNa, YoonTeuk,TaecYoon& DeerBurning; Taeyeon and Jonghyun(shinee),& TaeTeuk;MinYul;YongSeo&SeoKyu;Choi couple;


  • I love them because of their personality
  • Whenever I see them, I always remember my friends/barkada.
  • I am the only girl in the family and watching them fills my need of having a sister. :)
  • They never fail to make me laugh
  • Everyone is hardworking.


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  • Member Title SoshiHoney
  • Age 32 years old
  • Birthday March 14, 1992
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