Member Since 20 Jun 2011Offline Last Active Private
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synchronine → Clarity~
I can't believe it. Can I assume you haven't sleep when I'm already like awake? Gosh!

Yes, you're most probably right. HAHAHAA hi hl, I know you missed me <3
Feb 05 2012 05:19 AM

soshi.kandy → synchronine
SORRY FOR THE SPAM EVERYONE, but SNSD is currently SEVENTH place in the general ranking for the GDA awards, please help by voting at, follow the tutorial here ^^ SOSHI HWAITING....and please help spread the words, we need all the SONEs possible to push SNSD towards the place they deserve :))

synchronine → omgupwnz
Gahhhh, Sorry my reply came so long after!
But yeah, my day was great! Thanks! :D
But yeah, my day was great! Thanks! :D

omgupwnz → synchronine
You're welcome fellow Yulsic shipper! XD How was your day!