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Member Since 24 Mar 2009Offline Last Active Dec 23 2020 12:59 AM
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I'm a YoonAddict and for many good reasons.
Some people say she’s plain in appearance, but I would argue otherwise. When I glance at her, I would just melt at her goddess-like appearances and expressions. Her doe-eyes, bear ears, slender nose, petite mouth… a masterpiece. She brings about a radiance of elegance and innocence through my eyes. No joke, she literally glows every time I see her in person. Every little thing she does puts me in a state of awe. I never knew how such simple and little expressions can just blow away my mind until I saw YoonA. Every tiny thing she does her: glances, pouts, biting lips, merongs , alligator laughs, flounder faces, and even her tears brings me a heightened sense of emotion and feeling. YoonA, the embodiment of what my ideal/perfect girl would be like. I must admit, I was attracted to her looks, but I fell in love with her.
Her work ethics are unparalleled, many have commented on her rigorous work schedules. From practicing and performing with the girls to promotions/commercials to acting, the only real breaks she has are the car rides to those schedules. Amidst such a daunting schedule, she sheds no signs of weakness or fatigue, only smiles. Being one of Korea’s superstars, you would expect her to be conceited and have diva-like qualities. But, that’s not the case with her. She is the same humble girl you see bowing 90 degrees on TV when the cameras are off. She never fails to smile, wave, and acknowledge her fans. What I love about her the most is that she may have grown to become a woman, yet she is still a child at heart. Whether she is Deer YoonA, Jang Saebyuk, Kim YoonHee, Jung HaNa, Aligator YoonA, Him YoonA, or Im Choding, she will always be Im YoonA of Girls' Generation.
Beautiful girls, all over the world...
I could be chasing but my time would be wasted...
Cause they got nothing on Yoong baby...
Nothing on Yoong baby! ♥
Forever a YoonAddict. Forever 9.
Community Stats
- Group Donors
- Active Posts 474
- Profile Views 11902
- Member Title YoonA's Rilakkuma
- Age 33 years old
- Birthday September 16, 1991
USA, California
- Gamer
- e-Sports (StarCraft II & League of Legends)
- Listening to K-Pop since 2004
- BoA, Girls' Generation, Epik High, & Big Bang -
Favorite SoShi Member
Proud citizen of
United States (US)
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Posts I've Made
In Topic: [2011.10.24] I caught Yoona's signed SSF tee!
25 October 2011 - 07:45 PM
In Topic: [08.08.11] Yoona's Arrival at LAX
08 August 2011 - 10:36 PM
In Topic: [PROJECT] #SNSDVisualDreams Poster Project
27 March 2011 - 12:25 AM
Outside Intel HQ in Santa Clara, California:

At San Jose State University:

Outside Sony. Corp in San Jose, California:

At Fowler Creek Park in San Jose, California:

In Topic: [OTHERS] Yoona mentioned in autobiography of former SM trainee
22 March 2011 - 11:19 PM

In Topic: 3 Million Posts!
15 December 2010 - 01:16 AM

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