LAX International Airport:
Me and a group of Soshified/SONEs went down from Northern California on Thursday night and arrived at LAX International Airport in the morning around 11 AM. This wasn't the first time that I've went to the airport to see them arrive and surprisingly, there was not that many people there waiting for them at the airport. SNSD arrived at LAX around 1 PM and did not pass through the terminal and exit until 2:30 PM.
Tiffany was the first to come out of the terminal, followed by Sunny. Sunny quickly went into the van while Tiffany stood outside for a good few minutes talking on the phone. She was expecting a ride from a friend/family member but they have not arrived yet. There were a few security guards around here along with her manager and everyone around her was giving her space. I was literally a few feet away from Tiffany and she looked amazing. Seeing her up close was breathtaking and I was not sure what I should have been doing. Knowing that only 2 of the 9 members of SNSD have came out, I was expecting the other members to come out quickly.

Surely enough, the other members came out in small groups. SeoHyun and Jessica, then SooYoung and HyoYeon. Finally Yuri, YoonA, and TaeYeon came out and in that order. While they were making their way through the van, they happen to walk towards my direction and I was able to get close them. Yuri was not as surrounded by guards as YoonA or TaeYeon were. Yuri looked towards my direction and I yelled out her name and she smiled back at me. I couldn't get a good look at YoonA or TaeYeon since they were covered in waves of guards/managers. All of the SNSD members went into their vans and supposedly went to their hotel to rest up.

2NE1 members happened to also be on the same flight as SNSD and they also exited through the same terminal but on different vans. After SNSD and 2NE1, 4 Minute, KARA, and SISTAR, B2ST, and CN Blue came around 4:30 PM.
Hotel Check-In and Dinner:
It was 5 PM and the day was getting late and we did not have any set plans for hotel/sleeping so we decided to look up hotels around Irvine which is where the SBS K-Pop Super Concert is going to be held. Out of all of the choices we chose a decent hotel and their rooms happened to be relatively cheap ($89 per night for 1 king sized bed). We were suppose to meet up with SoCal Soshified/SONEs to eat at a nearby restaurant so I decided to check in and unpack up at the hotel first. As I was checking in, I noticed a familiar face from the airport. It was Dasom from SISTAR and she was wearing her hoodie over her face. She looked extremely cute and she was looking at me while I was checking in. I wanted to walk up to her and ask for an autograph but her whole staff and managers were also looking around and a bit defensive. After checking in I walked to the elevator and i was about to walk in the elevator but as i looked in I saw a bunch of women and behind them was a tall guy in shades. He looked like a superstar but I couldn't recognize who and I was not sure at that time. Turns out he was one of the members from B2ST.
After checking in we met up with the SoCal SONEs at the restaurant. When we arrived there was a large crowd of people and I figured that there was something big going on here. Turns out that the crowd was outside surrounding the restaurant was waiting for the idols to enter and eat there. The restaurant was empty with the exception of the idols. In our minds we were hoping and waiting for SNSD to come and eat as well. CN Blue was the first group to arrive and ea then followed by B2ST and then KARA and SISTAR. They started to let people in after CN Blue and B2ST left. We were lucky enough to have our names on the list and we were able to get in when SISTAR and KARA were eating. Me and a few others were seated at the tables next to KARA and SISTAR. They left shortly thereafter but both groups passed by our tables a few times before leaving. They went to autograph a big poster laid out in the middle of the resturaunt. As they walked by I couldn't help but to look over and say hi. GooHara looked back and nodded and Dasom smiled back. After KARA and SISTAR left, they started letting everyone in to eat. It turns out that SNSD had bought their dinner to-go.
[11/10/2012] DAY 2: Fan Meet and Concert
I woke up a bit early in the morning around 6 or 7 AM to meet up with some friends in the lobby. I was waiting outside the elevator to go down and the elevator door suddenly beeps and I was about to go in. A bellboy pushed his card out right before I step in and at one end of the elevator there was a cute girl with blonde hair. it struck me that it was Nicole from KARA and I stood there as the elevator begins to close. I was not sure what to do, especailly after the fact that we looked at each other and I hesitated to go in. As if I didn't want to waste the moment, I quickly said hi to Nicole and she smiled, waved, and said hi back. It was a good start of the day. I went downstairs and walked past another girl with blonde hair. I turned and looked at my friends in the lobby, a few of which were spazzing. The blonde girl in the lobby was Sunny and it seems like she was waiting for the rest of the members to come down. There were a few staffs and managers there looking around and making sure people don't get too close. There was not that many people there luckily, it was basically me and a small group of my friends and so it was not hectic or loud in the lobby. Members from KARA happen to be walking around the lobby as well and a few members of KARA went to eat breakfast at the resturant in the hotel. SNSD members came down not too long after I was down in the lobby. They were just stunning, walking casually out of the lobby and into their vans. I was holding a gift made for YoonA at the time but I was again starstruck and just let her pass by me and into the van. I proceeded to walk outside and watch them enter their vans and one of my firends nudged me to attempt to give the gift to YoonA in the van. One of the staffs was walking to their car and I decided to ask him if it was okay for me to give my gift to YoonA. After some hesitation he took it and passed it though the van. I was not entirely sure if YoonA was able to receive the gift or whether the manager took it instead. It was an oppertunity and an attempt so I did not feel too bad but I would have perfered to give the gift to her personally.
My gift to YoonA, a picture that I designed:

The Fan Meet:
The venue was held at the Irvine Verizon Center. I brought my Rilakkuma for YoonA to the concert and I was planning on giving it to her/showing it to her but they did not allow gifts in the concert venue. The security guards at the door did not seem to care that much but I had already put him back in the car. I should have brought him with me inside, he was crying in the car not being able to see her again since SM Town New York.
He was so ready to go:

The fan meet was available for only VIP and VVIP ticketholders and you would have to wait in line to enter the fanmeet and get a close spot to the stage. I was luckily enough to have one of those tickets and was able to get into the fan meet. There was a dilemina for VIP and VVIP ticketholders though as the rehersal for the concert goes through the time of the fan meet with SNSD. On top of the time conflicts you would have to wait in line to get a good close-up view of them at the fanmeet so people had to choose to go watch the rehersal or go to the fan meet. Most people chose to forgo the rehersal and waited hours in line for the fanmeet. I was close to the front of the line for the fanmeet and I was able to be the 3rd row away from the fan meet stage. As we entered the fan meet, we did not expect to be waiting for SNSD for almost 2 hours. There was some scheduling conflicts with SBS and we had to spend most our time waiting. To make the situation worse, SNSD happened to be performing their rehersals when a majority of the SONEs were stuck waiting for them at the fan meet. SBS should have let us watch their rehersal and then let us into the fan meet.
The fanmeet was about 10-15 minutes long but people started to line up right when they opened the gates in, which was about a good 5 or so hour. They let about 300 people in initially due to fanmeet signups being exclusively for VVIP and VIP ticketholders but they let a few lucky people into the fanmeet when we were waiting. The fanmeet was basically a few minutes photo-op, a dance off, the MC asked a question to the audience, and the SBS staff took a picture of the crowd wity SNSD. To break it down: The photo-op was basically a grace period of a few minutes (Like 2 minutes) where SNSD sat and let everyone take pictures. Then came the question the MC asked which was, "Who came the furthest to the concert?". The farthest person the MC heard was India and they received a signed album. Then came the dance off where 4-5 participants from the crowd were chosen to dance and impress SNSD, the winner was given a chance for a photo-op with SNSD basically. Then came the group picture with SNSD. This sounds better than it really is. Due to the small size of the tent and the large amount of people, it was near impossible for staff to take a pictute of SNSD and the entire group. Basically the Staff was in the back and asked everyone to turn around and pose for their cameras. SNSD stood up behind their tables to pose as well. If you are in front near SNSD you would have been better off staring at them and trying to get their attention instead of posing in the picture. I'm pretty sure, in the taken pictures you would only see faces from the first few back rows and Soshi would be hard to see since they are so far back from the camera. I can't recall for sure if SNSD talked that much due to being starstruck but it was very short if anything. The fanmeet was super short but SNSD gave a lot of fanservice still. If compared to the fanmeet that happened a bit over a year after SM Town New York, it would not be comparable at all. There was just not enough room nor time for SNSD to interact with fans, it was just basically a show and tell photo-op made by SBS.
During the fan meet, I was waving and trying to get YoonA's attention. I had my YoonA Rilakkuma phone case and I happened to be waving it aruond and YoonA saw it. She smiled back, acnkowleding me. I also called out and waved to TaeYeon and SeoHyun and recived waves back in return.
The rest of my pictures from the fan meet: (35 P)
The Concert:
Shortly after the fan meet came the concert. I was seated in the 2nd row from the front but it was still a good 40-50 feet away from the stage with SBS's filming crew separating us from the stage. Tiffany was MCing alongside members of CN Blue and B2ST and Tiffany would translate and MC in English. It was around 40 degrees Fahrenheit that night and I was amazed how Tiffany could bare the cold wearing her elegant dress. SNSD was the very last to perform and they rocked the concert as everyone stood and ran up to the front as they performed. While I was yelling and spazzing Jessica Jung caught me and waved back!

My SNSD pictures from the concert: (119 P)
After the concert we went to eat dinner and went back to the hotel. When we arrived at the lobby SISTAR happened to be returning from dinner as well and they walked to the elevators. I waved to Dasom and Bora while making my way up to the elevators myself. Bora gave me the longest wave and kept smiling until the elevator door closed. I was blushing that she was giving such a long fanservice. Me and my friend took the elevator up shortly after and to our suprised we found out that SISTAR was on the same floor as us and we just said hi to Soyu as we walked by.
[11/1/2012] DAY 3: Check-Out
Last Day:
A few of my friends woke up early to go hang out in the lobby and I was waken up a bit later by a few of my friends entering and leaving the room. Shortly before that I heard a few people mumbling in Korean near our room. I was curious to see what my friends were up to outside and so I decided to go down and check it out. As I walked outside of my room, 2 rooms down I saw a girl with long hair walked out at the same time. I was a bit drowzy from waking up and I did not think much of it as I proceeded to walk behind her to the elevator. I saw a few of my firends waiting at the elavator too and they were giving me funny faces. The elevator door opened and the girl walked in and then my friends started waving at her. At this moment I was like "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"!!!!!! Turns out that girl.... that girl, was YoonA! I was like NOOOOOOO WAYYYYYY. I totally missed my chance to say hi and talk to her in person. I could not believe that I did not realize that YoonA, the girl of my dreams walked out of a room 2 doors down at the same time! Ignorance never felt so bitter... Still shocked after talking to my friends, beep comes the elevator door opening again. Out walks Jessica Jung and she made her walk towards the same room YoonA left out of. I was like "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTT!?!?!", I went back to my room after and showered and got dressed. We were able to catch Jessica before the elevator came and she signed one of my friend's album. I asked if she could sign mines too but she said she couldn't and was in a hurry. It was pretty funny as the elevator door opened but it turned out to be going in the wrong direction and she was a bit confused at it and we helped her press the buttons. There was a bit of awkward silence as we both looked at each other, I was not sure what else to say as I was caught up in the moment and presence of the Ice Princess. When the elevator came she told us she had to go and said her good byes to us. She was really relaxed and chill about everything haha definately a good experience to have spoked to her.
My friend,

We all went downstairs and caught SNSD leaving after. YoonA was soo cute as she stuck out her tongue as she passed by!