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Member Since 10 Feb 2011
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Yay! I found the Soshified accounts of Girls Generation! ^_^v Updated 21 May · 4 comments

About Me









I want to kiss your neck...

why are you so perfect?...

Taste the food while it is cooking...

i want to taste it too?...

we can cook together...

Anyway, i would need to lift weights...

it is leg day....







Photo dump~ 

My sister went to a
local LV boutique fashion show,
Decided to have dad's old bag fixed there..
And took some pictures there as well. Lol
And was given some champagne too...
One of my favorite brands...
Killthehype LA/ KTHLA..
Chris Brown wears these a lot..
I think he has 1 of 1 kthla.hats...
Made only for him...
These hats cost around 100 USD to around 500 usd
In the resell market...
But you can buy them at only 60 usd (latest drop)
I have most of mine at that price more or less...
Just buy them at kth-la website
During times when there is a drop....
Right now, there is no shop in the website...
It is close.....
The online shop opens once in a while...
Like once or twice a year...
But be aware..
About the owner's  notorious reputation...
Of having ZERO customer service. Lol
You won't get any replies from emails...
You won't know what's happening to your order..
Also, the infamous delay in shipping times...
The last drop took 6 months to ship....
Despite the website stating 3 weeks only...
A lot of complaints in online forums... lol..
But I already know, so I just waited patiently...
If you plan on moving residence,
I don't recommend getting...
Getting from the official website is like....
Having transactions in the black market. Lol


iiiiiiiii Feb 3 2025 iiiiiiiii





Lena... <3<3<3


I love everything about this anime...

I wonder if there would be another season...




Qqqqqq Feb 1 2025 qqqqqQ



Gift. for you~ Keke

I'm joking. Have a great day~



1111111 jan 30 2025 1111111



Happy lunar new year~ :)

And some selca. Lol

And hats :D







https://youtu.be/leJ-kA9IV5c ...

So this song was used ...

For Pharrell Williams Louis vuitton fashion show....

One of my favorite songs...


Takes me back in time... 







Did you also pray and imagined

Being with me? Friends first would do. Keke

Ahhh ottoke...

I hope I can love and support

All of snsd and aespa members the same

And with limit as a fan...

But it is quite impossible

Not to develop any obsessive feelings...

I have been trying since...

Why do i feel conflicted? And confused?

It's so funny. Lol

Ottoke? Ottoke~ ottoke! Keke



69696969696969 jan 22 2025 69696969696969




That Swedish and Korean combo is wow...





Yoong and ningie are horses in Chinese zodiac...

A direct clash to my rat...

I don't even have to look at their bazi...

On paper, they are very incompatible with me

Both my mom and dad are horses...

I had a lot of conflict with them...

And we clashed on different beliefs...

If I say a glass is half full

They will insist I'm wrong

And say that it is half empty.

I need a lot of patience...

But at the end of the day,

Family is still love <3 :D

So if yoong or ningie,

Can handle the chaos (I can. I already did)

Then maybe it would work....

I am highly compatible

With the dragons of aespa...

It would boil down on their bazi...

Taenggu and other Members of snsd

Are all snakes in the Chinese zodiac.

Generally, it would work if

I let them eat me as a rat...

Well... they could eat me anytime

If they want. I won't resist ;)

Kidding aside, if taken symbolically,

It is as it is. If I let them eat me...

Again, their bazi would also be another story

Then there is also the western zodiac...

anyway, there are still other factors of course




I am also reminiscing my childhood...

I remember being a total nerd and a loner..

you can even call me a loser :D

I just mostly studied

And became the one of  the top of the class

During elementary, I remember looking

At the classes of the higher more senior level students

Because I was bored with our current lessons,

Too basic. Lol

I wanted to advance..

During high school, I was like somewhere

Consistently at the top 50 or up

Of around 250 students in our batch...

3 out of the 4 years,

I was in the honors section...

Sections with advanced classes

Catering to more intelligent students..

My life was all studying,

Anime, video games, and family life.

I have a few friends but I was mostly a loner.

I was very confident with my intelligence..

It would all change in college :D

I entered an engineering course..

At Ateneo de Manila University...

There, I was very humbled...

Because for the first time in my life,

I was like the dumbest in the batch. LOL

The gap in intelligence is just too wide...

I could say my batch mates at that time

Was some of the most Intelligent people

In the country, If not the world..

A lot of them already made their mark...

In various scientific institutions

Around the world....

Physics, astronomy. Engineering....

One of them even discovered new planets...

And proved einstein's theory of relativity right...

(when others were desperately trying 

to prove his theory wrong lol. Facepalm).

Whenever I hear the lyrics

"Can't stop the gods from engineering"~

From red hot Chilli peppers,


I think of them...

In my eyes, they are gods...

Engineers built our world and fostered new discoveries






8888888888 jan 20 2025 8888888888


Have not shaved since last year. Keke

And before I shave (since it is getting itchy)

I was actually analyzing my compatibility
With kpop idols...
Using eastern and western horoscope. Lol
It seems like aespa aeri..
Is very compatible with me...
Not only in western, but also eastern horoscope..
(Bazi, feng shui, etc)..
I'm curious...
If there is a chance,
I actually want to have...
A romantic relationship with her...
Karina too. Keke
(But karina is only compatible with me
In terms of eastern horoscope..)
Seojuhyun is compatible with me
At some point and if certain conditions
Were met...
My gurus actually dont want me
To be in a romantic relationship
They wanted me to concentrate
On a monk-like celibate life....
That's all. Fighting~ :D



aaaaaaa jan 19 2025 aaaaaaa




Yapping time~ keke



The song... is what I've been listening to lately

While thinking of the current state of humanity. Lol

Also, While looking st the night sky earlier...

Since I really like looking at stars... ^__^

Not winter the star, the stars in the night sky

But winter is a star, yes. Fighting star~

I saw one of those UFOs again...

I don't know if they are aliens, demons,

Angels, or some other entities...

But im pretty sure they have a...

non- interference vow...

they cannot interfere with humanity...

but maybe they help a little...idk

Also, an unpopular anime

That I really like..

"To the abandoned sacred beasts"


Makes me emotional

And want to cry. Keke...

Captain hank needs to kill

His former comrades as he promised..

When the beast inside them

Takes over... noooooo T____T

I remember doing this ritual every night..

For about 2- 3 years...

To banish this negative entity inside me...

Black candles, meditating,

Showing the wax image to my gurus...

I'm sure it is still inside me..

But just tamed...

And for some reason,

I feel.bad, taking down other negative entities...

So maybe I can relate to the anime...

also, the anime can also be related to PTSD


I haven't been to a real military training

For a navy seal corps so I don't know

What they do...

But with my experience with

Citizen military training..

At a special unit...

I did experience humiliation,

Hard training, ego tripping by commanders,

Etc etc, it did not traumatize me

But I still remember every detail

Even after more than 10 years..

And I have not used my training...

To an actual war...

The horrors and terrors of war...

We would be like spy, agents,

Or double agents if ever....

EDIT: Sakamoto days anime!


So much fun...

The assassins even have nicknames

Like "clairvoyant"..

I remember being called "invader"

Back in college. Lol

But for a comedic reason.

Also, I really need to stop

bumming around.....

I need to start working....

Fighting~ :D









0000000000 jan 17 2025 00000000000


From the first couple of episodes...

The current season of Singles inferno...

Is quite funny. Keke ..

I laughed a lot...

Maybe forgot some of the things

That is bugging me...

For a bit...

Of course, i was also smitten by si-an

But not as much as how I am smitten

By seojuhyun........

Even if it hurts, I feel like I would finally

be Free from my seojuhyun obsession,

if she is dating or something..

maybe appear in a celebrity edition

Of Singles inferno...

Also, I was thinking...

While minjeongie really fits the cute concepts...

And aeri fits the sexy ones...

I think ningie fits them both...

The cute and sexy concepts....

I also like ningie's bare face...

and karina fits... being by my side.

im kidding. Keke

karina is like a beautiful flower...

that i dont want to pluck...

And just like to admire...

From a distance...

I feel like she's a rose with thorns..

And if I get closer, I will just get hurt.

(Since she already started dating,

And maybe dating right now,

And will most probably continue dating. Keke)

i mean, why would i want to get hurt.

dont we look at idols to feel happy,

why would we do it to get hurt. Lol

A perfect flower I won't pluck...

And just admire From a distance...

Unless she wants me to pluck her. Keke

in That case, I'll put her in a pot.

Water her everyday, give her fertilizers. Keke

we Would watch anime together

Maybe walk around or exercise together

Travel the world together

eat Different food together

Cook together

make Love... ok, that is creepy

Making love with a flower. Keke.

Anyway, aespa fighting...

Also, soshi fighting~

Taenggu, jess, hyo, soonkyu, miyoungie,

Yul, syoungie, yoong, seojuhyun......




99999999999 jan 15 2025 9999999999





now, I feel like dancing

maybe in the shower while listening

to songs featured in shrek






898989898989 jan 13 2024 989898989898






Do I look like ningning's cat pin? Keke

Shashin dump~

I think it is too expensive...
I could buy VIP taengcon tickets
With the total bill. Lol
Minjeongie really fits the cute concepts..
Aeri and ningie fits the sexy ones...
Karina fits... being by my side.
Im kidding. Don't hurt me~
You did well~ enjoy your vacation~
Hyoyeon did well too~
Seojuhyun, do you want a discourse with me?
About what constitutes a good person?
Is it the deed? But some people
Have ulterior motives and intentions..
So is it the intention?
They say the road to hell is paved
With good intentions..
The end does not justify the means?
Like Robinhood?
So a good person is someone
Who have both good intentions and deeds?
A doormat that everybody walks into?
If they resist, are they still a good person?
But they will get bullied,
If they fight back and hurt the other,
Are they still a good person?
Do you need religion to be a good person?
But religions teach that if you don't believe
in Their dogma, then you are not a good person.
What is a.good person?
Can anyone really be called a completely good person?
Just thinking out loud :D Sharon fighting~


llllllllllllllll jan 13 2025 llllllllllllllllll


Good sh*t. Chilling again and again. Lol
I want to watch the new season of
Singles inferno.... and get entertained...
Since my dating life in real life
Is non-existent. LOL
I did talk to a lot of beautiful girls
While out of the country..
These 2 Brazilian beauties..
1 really beautiful girl from Jordan..
Were unforgettable..
Kendall Jenner...
I believe i had game...
But I still can't get over you....
Just kidding~
Maybe I should just live like a real monk.
Things like romance, obsession and infatuation,.
Make my spiritual energy weak..
Also, I'm so sorry southern california......

Edit: oops.

Edit2: oh! Blue Box anime...

Episode 14 (not 13) is a good one...

I am team hina... im sorry chinatsu senpai...

wish i could find someone like hina...Lol

Just me again entertaining myself

because Of my inexistent love life. Lol

EDiT: Also! Another interesting theory

I'm pondering about:


A screenshot from another similar video:




=_=_=_=_=_= jan 12 2024 =_=_=_=_=_=



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