Member Since 14 Feb 2009Offline Last Active Jul 28 2014 07:10 PM
Profile Feed
buffypoto → pengWIN
OPPA! I MISS YOU!!! Get your bum on skype! havent talked to you in like 2 years o.o
Apr 04 2011 11:33 AM
aime → buffypoto
lol.. i still remember you on sbox though,.
it's been a long time too.. :)
i just found out that im older than you~.. xDD
hehe.. take care dongsaeng~!
Aug 13 2010 09:18 PM
it's been a long time too.. :)
i just found out that im older than you~.. xDD
hehe.. take care dongsaeng~!
buffypoto → aime
ushhh not sure if i remember >< and woah im a unnie to someone :D
Aug 13 2010 08:20 AM
aime → buffypoto
hello hello bufffypoto..
i wonder if you still remember me.. xD
take care unni~
Aug 10 2010 05:11 AM
i wonder if you still remember me.. xD
take care unni~
agentjjlee → buffypoto
oh wow...-.- you still have the fsd up on your profile =D anyways~ been busy the past 2 weeks x.x family reunions suck...and my laptop is dead. I havent had the time to go and fix it! no msn T.T no skype T.T anyways....you grew? O.o wut? from a size 0 to a size 1? or maybe from kids large to adult small? :P
Jul 15 2010 03:39 AM