Member Since 24 Nov 2010Offline Last Active Dec 29 2014 08:13 PM
Profile Feed

YoonYulYoung → pilona
omg ur still here heuheu saw u checkin out my profile today omo <3

nope :/ still no idea xD I still have a plan but I need to set up a trap for that lolol
and oh :/ that's really complicated xD well just let him be... if he's ignoring you then wat you gonna do -_-
May 20 2014 06:01 PM -
damn so it's been going on for a year then LOOOL
true yo ._. he'll come around eventually and we can be frands again or sumsing :3
May 20 2014 07:25 PM -
I will never let it go until I know for suresies! xD
hopefully you'll get on friendly terms soon then :/ that really shucks
May 20 2014 07:37 PM

SunTaeFany1290 → YoonYulYoung
Yiieeee unnie i missed youuuuu :) hahahahah. <3 how are you?

YoonYulYoung → HyoSoneLove
Where've you been gurl?? ^_^ I haven't seen yo asss in a while~

hyodeeba → YoonYulYoung
yaaayyy :DDDDD
i mean wherever i go,most are haters...so YAY :DD
my fav is mel and jae and tia and soa and julianne.
oh wait..XDXD
well top 2 are jae and mel
i mean wherever i go,most are haters...so YAY :DD
my fav is mel and jae and tia and soa and julianne.
oh wait..XDXD
well top 2 are jae and mel

Iko → YoonYulYoung
ah, yeah,,,
Hmmm, may i call u anna... Hehe.
No, thats my REAL name.. Hehe...
*hi 10*
yeay, twin twoopah!
Hmmm, may i call u anna... Hehe.
No, thats my REAL name.. Hehe...
*hi 10*
yeay, twin twoopah!