Sooyoung! ;___; So professional. <3 But I would much rather prefer her to stay in their dorms and rest. </3 I don't want her pushing herself
I hope the rest of Snsd has more time to rest as well. T_T Get well soon, Sooyoung and Soshi!~
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Member Since 24 Nov 2010Offline Last Active Dec 29 2014 08:13 PM
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ur gay true fact
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- Birthday December 9
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In Topic: [OTHERS] Sooyoung's and SNSD's condition
04 June 2011 - 06:15 AM
In Topic: [MESSAGE] 4th Anniversary: Send Girls' Generation a Postcard
03 April 2011 - 01:51 PM
Okay, I live in Canada, but I'm from Czech Republic.
I can still use the language and recommend a place in Czech, right? xD
I can still use the language and recommend a place in Czech, right? xD
In Topic: [OTHERS] Yoona mentioned in autobiography of former SM trainee
23 March 2011 - 03:38 AM
Thanks for translation~ ^^
Yoona! She's such a nice girl! I wanna be like her when I'm older lololol <3
edit: wait, Jang Hajin?? I know her! Well not personally but I have a picture of her when she was supposed to be a Snsd member~

She's the one at the bottom, between the two maknaes, Seohyun and Yoona.
Stella is also in the picture, between Yoona and Sooyoung ^^
And T-ara's Soyeon is on the left of Jessica~
These members are the early Snsd members~ Taeyeon, Sunny and Fany wouldn't have been in it if it wasn't for Sm that kept on modifying the group because of people leaving xD;
Yoona! She's such a nice girl! I wanna be like her when I'm older lololol <3
edit: wait, Jang Hajin?? I know her! Well not personally but I have a picture of her when she was supposed to be a Snsd member~

She's the one at the bottom, between the two maknaes, Seohyun and Yoona.
Stella is also in the picture, between Yoona and Sooyoung ^^
And T-ara's Soyeon is on the left of Jessica~
These members are the early Snsd members~ Taeyeon, Sunny and Fany wouldn't have been in it if it wasn't for Sm that kept on modifying the group because of people leaving xD;
In Topic: [UFO] Jessica's UFO Messages
06 February 2011 - 07:01 AM
looooool! Omg "MY! NAME!" So cute. xDDD
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