Member Since 18 Jan 2009Offline Last Active Oct 24 2010 06:08 PM
Profile Feed

GreatWhiteBuffalo → SaranghaeSNSD
lol yeah we are trying to get everyone to sign up or atleast become active here an extent, also do you have Skype?

SaranghaeSNSD → camiiseta
hahaha I love all of their songs! Echo is also catchy too lol. Busy with College stuff of course. =/
Going for dual degrees. Membership club meetings. Searching for internships, and possibly looking into studying abroad somewhere. >.>
Music is what keeps me motivated and keep going forward especially SNSD! =)
Going for dual degrees. Membership club meetings. Searching for internships, and possibly looking into studying abroad somewhere. >.>
Music is what keeps me motivated and keep going forward especially SNSD! =)

camiiseta → SaranghaeSNSD
ohhhhhhhhh that's awesome that you still listen to the music! what's your favorite song?! run devil run for me! EEEE!!! what have you been busy with? are you in college yet? (:

SaranghaeSNSD → camiiseta
awww nice =)
I miss you guys a lot, but I've been really busy these days. It sure would be awesome to get the whole crew back lol. I used to be a heavy duty fan also, now I'm just taking it light and listening to their music.
I miss you guys a lot, but I've been really busy these days. It sure would be awesome to get the whole crew back lol. I used to be a heavy duty fan also, now I'm just taking it light and listening to their music.

camiiseta → SaranghaeSNSD
son!! It's ridiculous! I have pictures and video on my youtube and twitter! Username is 'camiiseta' for all of them if you wanna check em out. Are you keeping up with them? What are you up to these days??? We're trying to round up the old crew ahahaha.

camiiseta → SaranghaeSNSD
Yeah! Me, Nin, & Buff still talk these days! We were talking about the old forums and we're all super obsessed with SNSD these days.. like crazy obsessed ahahaha. We looked through H!U and saw you spazzing about Taeng a lot so we were like... we need to hit that dude up!!! HAHAHA! I just saw them recently OMIGAH! SMtown came to LA recently so I went and saw them... they're all so GORGEOUS in per

nin → SaranghaeSNSD
what the! i wrote a nice long message and it gets eaten up D:
i'll just send you a PM! haha
i'll just send you a PM! haha