Member Since 09 Apr 2010Offline Last Active Feb 18 2012 05:02 AM
is getting married
Updated 08 Jul · 0 comments
About Me
into almost every genre of music imaginable
also i have a condition known as synesthesia what that means is i can see sound as colors
i love sharing music and experiencing it with friends and other like minded folks
also have seen wwaaaaay too damn many cheezy B grade horror flicks than one should ever have
and i am a nerd not one of these hipster "its cool to be a nerd" nerds i mean a real comic book reading nerd
have more guitars than i do pairs of pants
and i will rewrite this later
also i have a condition known as synesthesia what that means is i can see sound as colors
i love sharing music and experiencing it with friends and other like minded folks
also have seen wwaaaaay too damn many cheezy B grade horror flicks than one should ever have
and i am a nerd not one of these hipster "its cool to be a nerd" nerds i mean a real comic book reading nerd
have more guitars than i do pairs of pants
and i will rewrite this later
Community Stats
- Group Members
- Active Posts 36
- Profile Views 4041
- Member Title SoshiHoney
- Age 34 years old
- Birthday June 29, 1990
out in the boondocks of Oklahoma
i love music of all kinds i play quite a few instruments
banjo (yea i know not cool)
in short i should just say music -
Favorite SoShi Member