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taeny addict

Member Since 20 Oct 2010
Offline Last Active Jan 03 2016 02:27 AM

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In Topic: [RADIO] Taeyeon's Chinchin Diary 11/22

23 November 2010 - 07:23 AM

didn't know that taetae had a dog and that it died... so sad, she must have been heartbroken :crybaby:
she's such a caring person... can't help but add this to my "why I love Taeyeon" list :wub:
Fany's also very cunning to sneak Romeo inside her bag... Just wondering how big her bag was and how she cleaned it up after (I'm sure there's dog hair and other stuff :ohmy:)
Thanks also for the YulSic tidbit.. I can totally imagine Sica screaming like a dolphin if ever she sees Romeo goofing around inside the apartmen... :evil:

In Topic: [RADIO] Taeyeon's Chinchin Diary 11/22

23 November 2010 - 07:15 AM

didn't know that they're not allowed to have pets and so sad also to learn that Taetae's dog died... She must have been heartbroken when that happened... :crybaby: she's such a caring person... can't help but add this to my list of "why I love taeyeon" :wub: Tiffany is also very cunning to sneak Romeo inside her bag just makes me wonder how big the bag was :ermm:

thanks also for the tidbit about YulSic... I can totally imagine Sica screaming like a dolpin if she sees Romeo.. so cute! :laugh: