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taeny addict
Member Since 20 Oct 2010Offline Last Active Jan 03 2016 02:27 AM
About Me
Hello everybody! Just wanna share some facts about me: First of all, I'm Filipino residing in the Philippines particularly the south eastern part. Aside from my addiction to Soshi, travelling is another thing that I can't live without! I find exploring different places and cultures gratifying and informative. I especially love going to the beach! I'm Pisces so I love the feel of water on my skin. Fyi, I actually freaked out when I learned that I had the same birth month as Taengoo! Call me silly, but I seriously like our kid leader! For me, she's the complete package! Even looking at a pic of hers instantly brightens my day and yes, some of my friends think I'm going crazy but I don't care. I'm also a diehard taeny shipper. I truly believe in TaeNy, that what they have is real and unique. I won't label their "relationship" because that's not important, just the fact that it exists is enough for me
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- Member Title SoshiStruck
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- Birthday March 19
hovering over taeny's bed? kekeke
addicted to SNSD! Saranghae to all 9 :p so happy to have same birth month as Taengoo!!! I absolutely adore all of them but taeny is my ultimate bias
Favorite SoShi Member
Proud citizen of
Philippines (PH)
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In Topic: [RADIO] Taeyeon's Chinchin Diary 11/22
23 November 2010 - 07:23 AM
she's such a caring person... can't help but add this to my "why I love Taeyeon" list
Fany's also very cunning to sneak Romeo inside her bag... Just wondering how big her bag was and how she cleaned it up after (I'm sure there's dog hair and other stuff )
Thanks also for the YulSic tidbit.. I can totally imagine Sica screaming like a dolphin if ever she sees Romeo goofing around inside the apartmen...
In Topic: [RADIO] Taeyeon's Chinchin Diary 11/22
23 November 2010 - 07:15 AM
thanks also for the tidbit about YulSic... I can totally imagine Sica screaming like a dolpin if she sees Romeo.. so cute!
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