Member Since 05 Sep 2010Offline Last Active Private
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sonelle00 → cy3101
im LOVING seohyun now..after browsing their pics from their arrival in korea :D
Jun 16 2011 06:06 AM
cy3101 → sonelle00
hi, sorry for long reply.,
lill bit busy these days,,kekeke.. how yours? :)
Jun 15 2011 07:42 PM
lill bit busy these days,,kekeke.. how yours? :)
cy3101 → sonelle00
confirmed alr :)
yeah, it's coincidence hehe
waa... forgot your twitter pass? so sad..
but it's ok :)
May 30 2011 02:02 AM
yeah, it's coincidence hehe
waa... forgot your twitter pass? so sad..
but it's ok :)
sonelle00 → cy3101
i added you up already in facebook..:) we have one mutual friend haha :) what a coincidence :) waaa...i forgot my password in twitter :(
May 29 2011 02:32 AM
cy3101 → sonelle00
my twitter @_CyPearl and my fb yessy anjani with a baby (my niece) as a profil picture, im surprised there is many yessy anjani on fb these days..LOL
thank you..
see you on twitter n fb.. hehe^^
May 26 2011 09:10 PM
thank you..
see you on twitter n fb.. hehe^^
cy3101 → sonelle00
i have both..hehe
i always online in twitter, but it's getting rare to online in facebook and ssf..hehe
you can follow my twitter if you want to :)
May 25 2011 09:09 PM
i always online in twitter, but it's getting rare to online in facebook and ssf..hehe
you can follow my twitter if you want to :)
sonelle00 → cy3101
oh..yess i have a twitter but i dont use it ..hehe..but i do have a facebook bout you?? :)
May 24 2011 05:20 PM
cy3101 → sonelle00
haha.. so your life is balance.. lol
yea, miss soshi so much..
btw, do you have a twitter?^^
May 21 2011 07:06 AM
yea, miss soshi so much..
btw, do you have a twitter?^^